Thursday, October 30, 2014

lunch flick

In 91' I was a college intern at U.E. Media Dept. During lunch in the conference room they would bring in their VHS rentals, narrate & FF thru the slow stuff and watch the highlights. Called it Fast Forward Theater. Best lunch hours ever.

I bought a card table & chairs set last night at ‪#‎Schnucks‬ for $39.99. This is the closest I've come to a new furniture purchase in 5 years. My life is a wild ride.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Would the Beatles still have been famous if they had named themselves the Head Lice?

day off

Yesterday it seemed every move I made was unwise. If today is no better, then tomorrow I set up a fake Ferris Bueller style Ebola symptom self quarantine and head out for some time off.

Friday, October 24, 2014

If Tonka made a functioning, full size, bright yellow car... I'd buy it.

If history repeats itself then when is transatlantic Zeppelin flight coming back?

if elected...

So, if I believe what I hear on TV, every incumbent who is up for reelection does nothing but steal, take bribes, and beat up kittens, while every challenger for the seat is my friend, will never spend a dime, will create thousands of jobs, and literally can walk on water.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

snot funny

It seems that the bright neon yellow glowing gunk I'm coughing up and blowing out indicates either I have an upper respiratory virus or I've unknowingly digested a bunch of kryptonite. If I sneeze and kill Superman.. I'll know what's what.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


When I was young, idealistic, and full of optimism, romantic songs and power ballads really motivated me. But ironically, now that I'm older, jagged, & worn down by experience, I can realistically relate more to these songs but w/out the fire of youth they no longer move me.


I was sick in bed all day yesterday. Today I'm well enough to be at work but still sick enough to feel like a mix between Reverend Jim from Taxi and Jim Morrison but better than Jimmy Hoffa.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


People spend so much money on fishing boats and gear that I'm surprised no one has marketed a recreational jon boat sized submarine with windows and expandable nets and grabber arms. Now THATS fishing.

This afternoon I watched Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock and I'm pretty sure most of the costumes were purchased at Lane Bryant

Friday, October 10, 2014

starvin Marvin

If I adopt one of those starving Feed-the-Children kids in Africa for 70 cents a day I want it in writing that he'll take my last name AND be liable to take care of me in my golden years when I'm senile and incontinent.

If I choke a smurf, will his face turn white?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Dear La-Z-Boy Furniture People,
Please develop a recliner with an anti-sleep electric shock sensor option.
Thanks, Dave B / PS - You might want to include some plastic lining on those models because I might pee a little

#‎Ebola‬ would be a great name for a bowling app

baby dozer

I constantly drive by crews using those tiny bull dozers. Where is the tiny dump truck, tiny concrete mixer truck, and tiny crane? I'd like to be the first kid on the block to collect the whole toy set.

Friday, October 3, 2014


#‎Godfather‬ Fact: According to Francis Ford Coppola on the DVD commentary, Lenny Montana (Luca Brasi) could barely get through his thank you scene w/ Don Corleone because Brando (a huge practical joker) had his back to the camera and put a sign on his forehead that read "F*#@ You".

Dear PopRocks,

Dear PopRocks,
Please set up a lunch with the diabetic pharmaceuticals people about creating some sugar free crackle/pop medication.
Thanks, Dave B

Wednesday, October 1, 2014