Thursday, March 29, 2018

pledge drives

If FB can learn my entire life just by a friend taking a Harry Potter quiz, then there must be technology that enables me to return to regular programing after I pay $20 to their damn pledge drive

Sunday, March 25, 2018


I remember when Sundays were spent watching movies on the couch nursing hangovers. Now the hangover comes from surviving the work week and I'm snoring on couch in under 10 minutes.

Friday, March 23, 2018

tick tock

I'd like to sit down at my desk, sigh, and start working. Then hear transition music as the camera moves up to the forward spinning clock above me which stops at 5pm. Back down to me stretching, getting up, & going home.

Thursday, March 22, 2018


On a whim I dropped by the cemetery at lunch to visit the family plot. As I was walking up the hill a mini tornado whirlwind funnel of leaves gracefully blew past me up towards the top and dissipated. It created a very peacful feeling. #AllWeAreIsDustInTheWind

On my morning drive I successfully jumped thru 3 daily FM call-in games to AM news. At this point in my life, I'll take any win I can get.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

The bulb on my lava lamp burned out. Not a problem. I know I have a spare bulb that I can't find. THIS will drive me nuts

The bulb on my lava lamp burned out. Not a problem.
I KNOW I have a spare bulb around here somewhere. THIS will drive me crazy
The bulb on my lava lamp burned out. Not a problem.
I KNOW I have a spare bulb around here somewhere. THIS will drive me crazy.
The bulb on my lava lamp burned out. Not a problem.
I KNOW I have a spare bulb around here somewhere. THIS will drive me crazy.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


If you were a teen or adolescent in St. Louis in the early 80s chances are you listed to Pillow Talk on 96FM. There was no better source for recording songs for that all encompassing crush mix tape you were making.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Last few weeks a woodpecker has been pecking my front shutter sending morse code sounds thru the house. Twice now I dreamt I was recieving a distress call from the Titanic.

one last winter blast

On my drive home last night I went from amused to concerned to freaked out as a few snowflakes turned into a complete white out road covering storm in under 10min. #StLouisWeatherIsBipolar

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


I'm going to install security camera inside my house & put a monitor screen outside my front door so potential burglars can verify there's nothing in there worth taking. #SavesEveryoneTime

Friday, March 2, 2018


Say what you will about the Muppets but I'm yet to see a single news story about any of them in rehab or arrested for domestic abuse. #ThemPuppetsWuzRaisedRight!