Thursday, August 30, 2018

From my neighborhood website today:

 Coyotes in the area
We saw a very healthy looking Coyote last night in the Ivy Chase area (Well after dark). While this one looked well fed, they are still known to be predatory towards pets and even small children.
New1h ago · 50 neighborhoods in Crime & Safety

Monday, August 27, 2018


I used to want a home w/ a firehouse pole & a waterslide, but now I'd prefer someplace w/ an elevator & a craftmatic adjustable bed. #FromLifeofPartytoLifeAlert

Sunday, August 19, 2018


I dropped by Walmart around midnight and saw a couple w/ their 5 month old baby casually doing a full weeks worth of shopping. The only responsible explanation is that this was a family of vampires who must live only by night.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Dear Hasbro

If you opened a restaurant that turned Play-Doh into edible, low carb, flavored food that I could squeeze thru a fun factory or baber shop and onto my plate.. I'd totally eat there. Thanks, Dave B

Friday, August 10, 2018

new game

Idea: a new party trend called Silent Cell where everyone arrives, but stays silent, communicates only via 1 to 1 text or snapchat until they each figure a password based on a provided clue. Last one to guess gets a beating from the rest. (Its a Darwin thing)

Yesterday felt like Friday so being at work today feels like Saturday detention. #GrownUpBreakfastClub

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Thanks to traffic for the PGA championship I was almost 20 min late for work. I haven't seen this many middle age white guys in the same place since Walmart had that 2 for 1 sale on fertilizer.

Monday, August 6, 2018

old papers

My electric typewriter in college had a LED screen so I could proof each line before it printed. Yet looking back it still looks like my term papers were typed by a drunk monkey.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Gen Z is the demographic cohort after the Millennials.I assume this means they will be the LAST generation?Humans had a good run


Dear Reboot-Crazed Network Executives: There is a reason all those old sitcoms were eventually cancelled. They were used up, out of ideas, and no longer good. Stop playing TV Frankenstein by trying to raise the dead. Let the characters rest in peace instead of awkwardly dragging out a 20 yr older cast.