Thursday, June 23, 2016

Clean Teeth/Wild Ride

Just got my teeth cleaned and my hygienist might have been on cocaine. She was this pretty, petite, little thing but she rapid fire talked 20 miles a minute & tossed me around in that chair like I was an empty plastic bag. I now know her entire romantic, spiritual, & professional history and have bruises like I lost a UFC match.

Woke up w/ a deep cough. If I was a plane my LEFT ENGINE FAILURE cockpit warning alarm would be flashing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Forecast:100. intensely hot day. Heat index 105-108. 93 days to fall. Must..hold..on

double troubles

So far this week I had 2 ATMs not accept 2 $5bills, 2 nights in a row w/ the same deer crossing in front of my car(both times gave me an FU Elvis lip quiver), and 2 twice sneezed in the middle of a food order. ‪#‎ChewingBlackCloudDoubleMintGum