Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Dear 2014,
We had some good times, but you also brought me frustration, mistrust, landed me in the hospital, and drained my savings. You and my ex-wife would actually get along really well. Time for you to go.
Big D

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I love 20 degree weather. Of course, I work in a warm office. If I was a garbage collector, I might be singing a different tune

house stuff

Found out that my slowly sinking screen porch is being supported by my new roof. Eventually it will pull away from the house taking much of the roof with it. Estimated cost to repair is $3,300.00. Anyone have the number of a good arsonist?

Monday, December 29, 2014

It's time for the big screen version of BJ & the Bear.


I'll bet the Jawas from Star Wars had the most wacky, cheaply made late night TV commercials on Tatooine to push their New Years Day Madness Sale every year. "No Credit? No Problem! Every Droid Must Go!!!"

Sunday, December 28, 2014

days are getting longer again

The days are now getting longer. In no time at all the grass will be growing and the late sunset will remind me of all the outside work I should be doing. Lazy people and darkness: we go together like chocolate and peanut butter.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

santa leak #1

Santa Cyber Leak #1: Hermey, North Pole's only Elf Dentist for 50+ years, is being accused of drugging and molesting several female elves while they were getting dental work in the 1980s. The statute of limitations have expired but both his reputation and practice are in serious trouble. He is looking to Santa for PR help.

Santa Hacked

NEWS FLASH: Santa's Workshop Latest Victim of North Korean Cyber Attack! Hackers demand Christmas cancelled or else internal documents will be leaked to social media. Pres/CEO S.Claus responded w/ the following quote, "They can stick their threats up their Ho Ho Ho's. Christmas will move forward as scheduled!" More to come..

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

cheese on that?

Why does making a burger into a cheeseburger always raise the price a dollar? Way too high of a profit margin. Where are buying this "expensive" cheese? The airport??

Sunday, December 14, 2014

house stuff

I may have a new roof over my head but the house is cold because now the furnace is busted. Combine that w/ the bleeding walls & whispering voices at night and I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to save money by buying a house built on an indian burial ground.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Santa vs

Batman had Joker and Superman had Lex Luther.. Santa Claus needs an arch enemy. I propose: Silas Claus - Santa's long lost evil twin from the south pole who wears all gray, is surrounded by an army of angry penguins, hates kids, and foils Christmas by greasing the inside of chimneys and spikes Santa's reindeer food with curry powder and colon-blow laxative.

Does the 5 second rule still apply if food is dropped on floor of a public bathroom in a bus station in a bad part of town?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

be careful..

I just ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant and, for the first time in my life, the waiter failed to warn me that the plate was hot. Clearly our society is less than a step away from total breakdown.

I'm pretty sure that the original recipe for sushi ended with deep frying but someone lost the 2nd page of the instructions.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Rosemary Clooney

On the White Christmas DVD commentary track, the late Rosemary Clooney tells a story of how, when she was institutionalized with a nervous breakdown in 1968, Bing Crosby wrote her a long serious supportive letter while Bob Hope simply sent her a massive display of flowers w/ a note saying "Hope its a Boy".

Friday, December 5, 2014

doctor order

My doctor tells me I need to lose weight. Thinking I could either diet and exercise like a responsible adult or I could get fitted with a Hannibal Lecter mask for a few months. Looks like I'm shopping online tonight.

I'm currently reading through a sample book of designer roof shingles. I'm enjoying the overall story but the writing is kind of rough.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

old and older stuff

To my middle aged amigos: Remember when VCRs, cable TV, call waiting, cordless phones, microwaves, & answering machines were cool new technology? / To my younger amigos: I'm curious what items you grew up w/ as new that will be outdated and obsolete 30 years down the line.

Today is a black pants/white socks and I don't care kind of day.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Poinsettia: The place where they film dirty movies in Italy

parade jump

Just ONCE I'd like to see someone jump from a rooftop and land on top of one of the cartoon balloons and ride it the rest of the parade route. is that TOO much to ask Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?????

Is it me or does all new Christmas music sound like a commercial for either the Gap or Old Navy? Give me 'John Denver and the Muppets: a Christmas Together' any day

food buzzz

I propose that every 6th random appetizer or dessert item brought in for office food days be wired with electric shock. Not only would this be an excellent cognitive behavioral therapy technique to minimize snacking but it would be fun as hell to watch.