Tuesday, March 31, 2015

get rich quick idea

I'm going to buy a truck that has a compactor, shredder, wood chipper, & flame thrower on the trailer so I can provide a celebratory service for the wealthy & recently divorced who won prized items from their ex they want to gleefully destroy. (Open bar optional for additional fee.)

Getting my picture taken for some company awards today. So, of course, my electric razor died halfway across my face this morning.

Monday, March 30, 2015

on this day in history

On this day in 1981, my bipolar, sadistic, Joan Crawford/Mommy Dearest styled 5th grade teacher, Trudy Palma, actually broke her sith lord character just long enough to inform us that someone just tried to shoot President Reagan.

what you want!!

I always assumed (incorrectly) that Aretha Franklin was asking for R E S P E C T but take out P C T. So if I ever met her I promised myself I would show her nothing but the proper RESE.


Headed to a child's birthday party this afternoon and a trivia night this evening. Hoping to win atleast ONE of the games ahead. (I'm thinking pin the tail on the donkey. I ROCK at that)

The Passion tells how strangers cast lots for Jesus' clothes. some idiot is going to claim they found them and sell them on E-Bay

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Cleaning

sweeping(raking), vacuuming(blowing), mopping(power washing) all the dirt, grass, and leaves tracked in through the dog doors during the winter. I forgot there was actually some nice wood floors beneath all that earth.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Wisdoms of Age

Remember that person you crushed on so hard when you were young? The one who reminded you of songs, you thought about 24/7, and wondered why they tortured you so much? Odds are that person had ZERO idea about your feelings. And looking back at your creepy obsessional behavior... aren't you glad?

- And now lets go to Dave for a check of the weather.

 - Juuust rainy and gloomy enough to make me not give a shit. Back to you Bob.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

If I worked for Google tech support I'd send a virus to all my enemies' that makes Charlie Brown's teacher their MAPS voice.

glowing up right

This summer, try cutting open some glow sticks & pour them into your kids juicebox so they glow when they play in the yard at night. Not only will you keep tabs on them but the light show will go great with after dinner drinks.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ever notice that Elmer Fudd and Sherlock Holmes wear the same hat?


Had a dream I did something that merited a photo op w/ President in the oval office, and I mocked him for having a Magic 8 Ball on his desk. The secret service was not amused. Turned out it belonged to Biden anyway.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015