Tuesday, April 28, 2015

pretty woman

At the market I spotted a stunningly beautiful college aged woman. The kind of girl so striking every head turned when she walked by. I thought about how many doors will open for this girl to an unlimited future. Then I overheard her talking and could tell she was dumber than a box of rocks. And I thought, doors will STILL open for this girl for a bright future... as a trophy wife.

You know how uncomfortable it is when you've gained a few pounds and your pants are too tight? I just realized why the incredible hulk is always so pissed off.

Monday, April 27, 2015

health dream

Last night I dreamed I was suddenly in the hospital and scheduled for major surgery that everyone was aware of but me. When I woke up my first thought was being grateful for not having to deal with insurance.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Women make appointments to have their hair washed, clipped, styled, dyed, highlighted, frosted, and their look redesigned. Men just walk in, get shorn, and walk out. Much easier being a guy.

I asked Google What I present do I buy for the Earth that has everything and it told me to drop dead.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

USPS close call

A gust of wind blew a trash can into the road causing me to swerve and JUST miss a mail truck which freaked out the driver. "Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. (But soiled pants might delay them a bit) "

Friday, April 17, 2015

torpedo one!

I have an eye exam at 5pm. Hoping my optometrist is cool w/ me playing submarine commander periscope games while yelling, "FIRE ONE!!! ..HIT! DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!" during the exam. It also explains why I walk in wearing my captain's cap.

RIP stickers

I've noticed a dramatic increase in memorial rear window decals remembering dead loved ones. Not that I don't respect their testimonial or have sympathy for their loss, but every other stop light is starting to feel like a cemetery flash mob.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

we are what we drive

They say a car reflects it's owner. Mine has creaky doors, busted shocks, broken engine mounts, no working airbags, 3 working windows, duct tape repaired interior, balding tires, dents, scratches, squeaky wipers, air filter issues, perpetual warning lights, and unidentifiable garbage under the seats. But, surprisingly, it still runs. Ditto for me.

Pepsi challenge fail

I remember way back when soft drink companies first switched from glass bottles to 2 liter plastic ones that were advertised as "UNBREAKABLE!!" so I threw one in the air and let it drop on the concrete several times... just before I opened it.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

your show

How cool would it be if you could wake up in the morning, and press an app on your phone that starts with a familiar monotone voiceover saying, "Previously.. on Your Life." before playing a well edited 15 second video montage recapping your previous day?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

raging waters

Dear Toy Makers,
Make me a cheap, 10", durable, watertight toy boat w/ a GPS finder and a waterproof video camera I can drop into swollen creeks and rivers during flash floods. Call it the SS Reconnaissance. Please deliver before the end of the business day. Thanks, Dave B

Uh, excuse me for interrupting your speech Coach but I'd like to point out that there IS a "ME" in TEAM which is pretty much like "I" so where does that leave us?

Saturday, April 4, 2015

"Welcome to the Academy Awards, or as it's known at my house.. Passover" -Bob Hope

BOOM dream

Last night I dreamed it was May 1937 and I was 20 something & starting a new job as ground crew at Naval Air Station Lakehurst, New Jersey waiting for the Hindenburg to arrive. I was on the phone w/ someone who told me to be careful. My response was, "It's just a big balloon for God's sake! What could possibly go wrong??"