Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Dear Hormel, Since no one really knows what SPAM is you can cheaply make it into any kind of food. As we Americans will eat anything, it's time for a fast food chain dedicated to this product. I'm thinking "Casa De Spam", "Spam Palace", or "All Spam All the Time". Good luck. - Dave B

Monday, October 26, 2015


So I'm w/ my doc for a hospital follow up visit and in between telling me how dangerously sick I was he mentions I of course have an abdominal hernia. Saywhatnow? So he tells me do a sit up and suddenly my stomach becomes a teepee. Great. On top of everything else I'm now a human traffic cone.

In my head, the characters from every TV show that gets cancelled w/out a finale are lost souls forever banished to unresolved sitcom purgatory.

Monday, October 5, 2015

bulls eye

While returning from lunch I was driving under a RR bridge when a banana peel hit my windshield. 3 possibilities here: 1) A renegade monkey hidden in the creek brush to my left 2) A litterbug engineer w/ good aim 3) Heavenly garbage (Hey.. Moses got Manna. Maybe I get Banana)

you feel a draft?

Ran into Schnuck's for some carpet powder wearing a long baggy flannel shirt over t shirt and old gym shorts. Forgot it was buttoned thus making me look like I was just a guy casually shopping with no pants on. Amazing how quickly the line cleared for me at check out.

Pretty sure the real reason grocery stores randomly move everything around is because its fun to watch their customers get that confused look on our faces

Walmart now has $5 "Hot n Ready" Pizzas for sale by the registers. Wish I would have known the crust was made out of hot n ready play-doh.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Terminator vs The Tin Man:

 The odds were on the cyborg for the win but the tin man had a lot of heart plus a big ass ax chop to the terminators CPU board. He will NOT be back. When asked about his win the tin man said it felt like a hollow victory.

This has been a long week. Yesterday felt like Thursday so today feels like Friday which means tomorrow I should get overtime pay.