Monday, January 30, 2017
Here's my plan: redirect a message from "space" to North Korea, Moscow, & DC saying that the secret to all power over the universe is buried just beneath the surface of the sun, but only the most important man in the world is invited to get it. W/in a week 3 one man spaceships will launch for a one way trip to incineration. Problems solved.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
movie mesh dream
Last night I fell asleep flipping betweenThe Poseidon Adventure & Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory then dreamed I was trying to escape from a flipped cruise ship with a handful of oompa loompa surviors who kept getting killed off because they stopped to sing about our various predicaments.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Punch it Gertrude
At lunch every other driver was atleast 75+ and driving like they had nothing to lose. The night may belong to the viet cong but the afternoon belongs to the elderly. #AARPSuicideSquad
bootstomp rush hour
Hit my left funny bone while shaking off the cramp in my right foot while driving to work this morning. I looked like I was performing in a hillbilly jug band. #HeeHawBlackCloud
Monday, January 23, 2017
Want to forget what I was forgetting
I had another nightmare where I had dementia and when I finally woke up I was pissed at the irony that I couldn't remember anything during the dream but could still remember the whole ordeal afterwards.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
New phone too big. Old sweat pants pocket too small. Screwed by technology again. This is just like that night I spent trying to get that 8 track tape to play in that CD player. #AmazingWhatYouCanDoWithASodderingIronDuctTapeAndABottleOfAlcohol
belly aching
As I chew my tums for acid indegestion I miss the days of gradeschool when I could have gone to the nurses office and lay down if my stomach hurt. Then I remembered I'll never have to take an algebra test again so it all washes out.
Monday, January 16, 2017
The first minute of driving a rental car is like being the passenger that got shoved into the cockpit after the pilots both passed out. #WhatTheHellAreTheseButtonsFor?
Sunday, January 15, 2017
remembering a geat man
Today my late brother Mark would have turned 58 years old. For a man who was always concerned that he was getting too old, he'll forever be frozen in history at age 32. Happy Birthday and Rest in Peace big bro.
system down
Waited until it was safe to come into the office and catch up a little from missing Friday. Made it in without a problem.. only to find server and all printers are down. THAT is a problem. #WellPlayedBlackCloud
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
blowin in the wind
Yesterday's wind blew down a piece of siding near the top of my house. Debating if I need a ladder and a nail gun or just tearing it all off and going for the rustic cabin look.
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Monday, January 9, 2017
I'm in good hands
Me: When you write the repair can you request a recycled red rubber baby buggy bumper?
Allstate Damage Appraiser:
Me: Ask for them by name
Allstate Damage Appraiser:
Me: Ask for them by name

Sunday, January 8, 2017
fast moves from fast food
Dear Jack in the Box: If I had a fitbit it would be so proud of me for all the running I've done today back & forth from the bathroom. And I owe it all to you. Oops.. gotta run. Thanks Again - Dave #BlackCloudStepsMotivation
Friday, January 6, 2017
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
start your engines
Got out of my car after lunch and the jacked up, monster, 4x4 dielsel truck behind me chirped, flashed its lights and roared to life w/ no one in it. Its happened:The machines have risen. MaximumOverdrive/Judgement Day. This is how it ends. #DamnYouAutoStart
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Last night in Walgreens I needed assistance w/ photo prints and saw a girl w/ long hair crouched in an aisle stocking a shelf. I said,"Excuse me. Miss?" She looked up and she was a he w/ a mustache/beard who looked just like Frank Zappa. Frank was not happy. I'm pretty sure all my photos are going to just be his middle finger.
new year
Dear 2017, Here's the deal: Don't take as many legends in one annual scoop, don't bring back line dancing, guitar hero, or pokemon go. Don't plunge us into a depression or blow up the world and we should get along fine. Thanks, Dave B
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