Friday, March 31, 2017

it begins

Tomorrow I once again drop off my mower at a boy scout fundraiser to be cleaned, sharpened, & oil changed. If I can just talk one of the little bastards into coming over and cutting my lawn a few times for the same donation I'll be good to go. #HasntWorkedSoFar #ArtOfTheDealMyAss #BePreparedToNegotiate

I COULD replace the batteries in my remote but then my finger wouldn't get such a workout from pressing the button so hard.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

happ happy happy

Being an adult is like that 3rd waiter in the group that CLEARLY hates clap-singing Happy Birthday at your table. Sometimes you have to roll your eyes and do stupid shit just to stay in the game.

happ happy happy

Being an adult is like that 3rd waiter in the group that CLEARLY hates clap-singing Happy Birthday at your table. Sometimes you have to roll your eyes and do stupid shit just to stay in the game.

working for the weekend

Thursday used to be fueled by momentum of the 3 previous days to blast into Friday, but now barely drags itself in like a tired 3 legged dog. #ThisWeekIsFeelingOld

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

dream police

I'd like to apologize to the friends in my dream last night who attended my birthday party only to have me leave the house & then not be able to get back inside. My dead father called me yelled at me for being such a rude host. #CatholicGuiltNotJustForBreakfastAnymore

damn you spring

Suddenly my back yard is growing like Jiffy-Pop & my front yard is covered with blue wildflower weeds like smurf acne, but I've decided to do the mature thing and just ignore it until it goes away.

Monday, March 27, 2017

31 flavors + 6

Dear Baskin Robbins, As a childless adult I cannot justify the purchase of Lucky Charms, Trix, Golden Grahams, Sugar Corn Pops, Capt Crunch, or Coco Pebbles.. but who is to say you can't "accidentally" mix these in w/ some batches of vanilla? (wink wink) - Dave B


Night #11 without decent sleep: my focus is dulled, blood pressure is up, reactions are slowed, blood sugar is high, politics are making sense, and I'm thinking Steven Seagal's acting skills were underrated. #ClearlyINeedHelp

Sunday, March 26, 2017

martha stewart's weather channel

During last night's dinner party the weather outside was mid 60s w/ heavy rain but inside the oven was on and the windows were closed so the AC was pumping at the same time the fireplace was burning. #WhenWeatherAndEntertainingCollide #EvenMyBlackCloudWasConfused #StillAGoodtime

Thursday, March 23, 2017

wear sunscreen

I just noticed that in the song Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) by Baz Luhrmann every reference to be being old is defined as 40. At 47, I'm too old to be old. #GetOffMyLawnYaDamn40YearOldKids!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017


They tried to move Mom to a different table in the dining room (with grumpier people) just for traffic purposes. I got the spacing issue resolved & her back w/ her friends. #NobodyPutsCharlotteInTheCorner

tough room

So I was spouting all my political frustrations in front of my smart TV when it turned itself on, flashed a message that said WRAP IT UP, and then started to play orchestra music louder & louder until I stopped.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

death and taxes

Getting my taxes done tonight. Normally this stresses me out but in light of more serious things in my life right now it seems no more significant than returning a library book. (For those 20 or younger: feel free to ask an older person what a library book is)

Things you didn't know...

According to the 2001 film American Outlaws, Frank & Jessie James returned from the losing side of the civil war not only well fed & fashionably dressed, but also sporting an alarming amount of hair product. #HistoricalFunFact

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

good day

After getting her hair styled & colored yesterday Mom is speaking,eating every bite, and even opened her eyes and greeted me today. #GratefulForAnyTinyWin #ChangeYourHairChangeYourLife

bad dream

I had a really disturbing nightmare where I accidentally killed someone, panicked, then tried to hide the body. Turns out I'm not very good at it. #DontDoTheCrimeIfYouCantDoTheTime

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

national pancake day

And should we win the day, the 7th of March will no longer be known as a normal date, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We WILL go carb loaded into our day!" We will NOT adhere to a healthy diet! We're going to eat pancakes! And we're going to eat them for FREE! Today we celebrate our National Pancake Day!

Friday, March 3, 2017

ring ring

As the care facility's point of contact for my terminally ill Mom, my heart stops every time my cell rings with an unknown number on it. And when said call turns out to be an automated sales pitch I find myself uttering profanities not utilized since the dark ages.

The vatican recieved a petition today signed by over 4 million fish in protest of meatless fridays during lent. The Pope's response is below:

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

germs germs

Avoiding cooties as a child was surprisingly good practice for trying to not get sick during cold and flu season. #ColdCootiesEverywhere #HowardHughesWasOntoSomething #QuickDrawPurellBeltHolster