Friday, May 26, 2017

Thursday, May 25, 2017

lunch buddies

I'm eating my lunch in the park when suddenly I'm sharing the table with five 8th grade boys on some kind of field trip. It would have felt just like gradeschool but THIS time I understand the references about vaginas. #TheMoreYouKnow

Thursday, May 18, 2017

now thats italian

I had a delicious plate of spaghetti & meatball at dinner last night but paid the price with major acid reflux at 2am. Will I learn from this and throw away the take home serving of lasagna they gave me? 🤔Doubt it. 😎#PavlovsDogThinksImAMoron. 🐶 #CheaperThanIAmSmart🤑 #SometimesLivingBeatsOutJustSurviving 🤠#BetterToBurnOutThanToFadeAway

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Last week I was reaching into the bathroom cabinet when my electric razor fell out, slammed into the sink, & shattered into pieces along 3 months worth of whisker shavings.I collected the wreckage but when I tried to rinse down all the whiskers the drain wouldn't open. #SinkLookedLikeChewbaccaExplodedInIt

Thursday, May 11, 2017


Much like the retro cool factor of vinyl records, I predict that in a few more years young hipsters will rediscover the lost art of cursive writing and sending letters to each other. (That is.. once they learn what a stamp is.)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

empty lunch :(

After so many years of spending every lunch hour checking on Mom, today I admit I felt a little lost when I wandered outside at noon for the first time since the funeral. Seems strange. Empty. Even a little scary.

missed days

Returning to work after an unexpected 4 day absence feels like stepping into college class 70% way thru the semester. #HowWillIEverCatchUp

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Yesterday she managed to eat breakfast, some ice cream at lunch, and some soup at dinner. Today she can't even take a sip of water much less food or medicine. On the bright side she is breathing well and resting comfortably. No gasps, no calls for help. #PleaseKeepHerInYourPrayers

Monday, May 1, 2017


The last 3 days of rain have my area under a water boil order. So ALL that water suddenly means I don't get any. #SuddenlySoThirsty #AFloodOutsideCreatedADroughtInside


Thanks to roads closed for flooding it took me over an hour to get to work. That's frustrating.🚗🚙🏎️🚐🚕🚗
I'm on a medication that makes me pee 5 times a morning. That's just a special kind of torture. 😖😵😫😫#ThankYouRadioForConstantTalkAboutRushingWater 👹