Friday, June 30, 2017


So I saw my neurologist (well, not MY neurologist. The hospital leases him out) about my eye. What does the latest advancement neuromedical science advise me to do? Tape my eyelids open. 😵 #HeBlindedMeWithScience!!

tired of this

If this friggin' droopy eye vision problem doesn't go away before my first vacation in 4 years and I'm forced to cancel I WILL take my #BlackCloud to court and sue it for every bit of vapor that its worth until its so weak it can't dampen a kleenex. #TiredOfThisBullshit

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

born to be wild

Pondering the cheapest way to get a used riding lawn mower from Rockford, IL to Fenton, MO. Trailer is too expensive. Thought about driving it back myself but I promised Betsy my outlaw biker days were behind me.

If pens that don't write were wealth then between my desks at work & home I could easily afford to retire right now.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Hello. We haven't met but my name is Current Resident and I believe you have some things that belong to me

eye eye

MYymost recent episode of myasthenia gravis has my right eyelid involuntarily closing, especially when I'm driving late at night. Luckily, last night I was the only one driving on those particular sidewalks, yards, & patios so it wasn't a problem.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


KC Masterpiece & OFF insect spray should team up and make "Mesquito Repellent BBQ Sauce: Keeps Bugs Away Plus Tastes GREAT on Burgers & Chops "

sleeping mistakes

Sometime during the night the top half of me tossed while the bottom half of me turned in the opposite direction because I woke up w/ a major backache. #DoingTheYodaWalk

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

turn the page

I just finished a REALLY good book and my first instinct was to pass it to my Mom. She loved reading and would tear through a 800 page novel in no time. Even though dementia robbed her of this over a year before she passed I'll always cherish my memories of 10 years of exchanging stories and comments back and forth. #LittleThingsMeanALot 📚

blow me down

I didn't sleep much so I considered downing a can of spinach for superstrength. Then I considered the side effects of lost vision, balding, & swollen chin & forearms and decided to just stay tired.

Monday, June 19, 2017


Beautiful day: Low humidity,83, blue sky, sunny, w/ a gusty summer breeze. So I ate lunch in the park & read a book.. until the wind blew a plastic bag into my face. #BlackCloudVersionOfPeekABoo

password paradox

I need somewhere to store all of my constantly changing passwords but if someone got access to it I'd be in trouble so where I store it would have to have a constantly changing password which puts me right back where I started.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Alex: A fast way to get through an airport.

 Me: What is a drycleaning overhead conveyer.

1rst rule of Mime Fight Club: You don't talk.. about anything. Ever.

Mime Fight Club Rules:
1)You do not talk in Mime Fight Club
2)You do not talk in Mime Fight Club
3)If someone says "stop" they are not a mime(kill them)
4) Only one invisible box to a fight...
5) Only 2 mimes to a fight (invisible dogs allowed)
6) One fight at a time
7) No shirts (w/out black & white vertical stripes)
8) Fights go on until they have to or someone is tied by invisible rope
9) If this is your first night at Mime Fight Club you have to pretend to fight.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I can't watch the Comey testimony because I'm at work, but to be honest if I was home I'd watch for about 2 minutes before wondering what's happening over on The Price Is Right.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I bit the inside of my mouth at lunch which sucks because it means I'm going to bite the same spot again & again until it heals. Its like stubbing your toe again and again in the same spot like some masochistic evil groundhog day.

Whenever my car is in the shop and I have no mode of transportation I feel like Tom Hanks in Castaway. #Wilson!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Someone asked me what it would take for me to stop working and retire early. I mentally calculated my financial holdings, savings trajectory, considered my viable options, and said one word: "Death."

Thursday, June 1, 2017

sucked in

Home improvement projects are like joining the Columbia Record & Tape Club. Seemed like a great idea at the begining but eventually you realize there is no way out until you fulfill the stupid commitment.