Thursday, December 28, 2017


Thank you Lowe's plastic tubs.. for being suctioned together so tightly that when I finally pulled one up I fell backwards knocking over the 2 stacks behind me, which knocked over the 2 stacks & lids behind them. I pretty much took out the floor display. #SeemsImNoLongerWelcomeThere

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

good car

Like a bone for a dog I treated my car to a full service wash after carrying us safely back & forth from New Orleans. Clearly, I need to get another pet before I start thanking my faucet for water. #DatsAGoooodSink

Friday, December 1, 2017

I'm a better door than a window

No matter where I stand or sit I'm always in someone's way. I'd be an awesome bodyguard. Bullets would not only find me first but there is more of me to go thru. #WhatABargain!