Friday, January 25, 2019

friday night

Friday night is almost here and w/ it a limitless supply of options & adventures lay before me! Thats why I can't decide if I want frozen pizza or take out fried chicken for dinner before laundry & TV

Kato Kaelin now spells his first name Keto so he can tell people the diet fad was his idea.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

good fella

Yesterday I watched a Sopranos marathon on HBO, had Italian for dinner,and fell asleep to a mob movie.Not only did I have nightmares, but Al Pacino appeared & introduced each one like it was a DVD collector's edition.🕴👹🎰🎯💵💣⚰️🐟 #BuyTheTicketTakeTheRide#LeaveTheGunTakeTheCannoli