Thursday, December 28, 2017


Thank you Lowe's plastic tubs.. for being suctioned together so tightly that when I finally pulled one up I fell backwards knocking over the 2 stacks behind me, which knocked over the 2 stacks & lids behind them. I pretty much took out the floor display. #SeemsImNoLongerWelcomeThere

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

good car

Like a bone for a dog I treated my car to a full service wash after carrying us safely back & forth from New Orleans. Clearly, I need to get another pet before I start thanking my faucet for water. #DatsAGoooodSink

Friday, December 1, 2017

I'm a better door than a window

No matter where I stand or sit I'm always in someone's way. I'd be an awesome bodyguard. Bullets would not only find me first but there is more of me to go thru. #WhatABargain!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

"Surprise, surprise, surprise!" - Jim Nabors first words to Andy Griffith when they meet in Heaven. #RIPGomer

holiday scandal

The North Pole has just announced Santa Claus has been fired after allegations of sexual assault on 3 female elves, 1 reindeer, 2 snow angels, & the Bumble Snow Monster. Mrs. Claus has hired Hanukkah Harry to fill in until a full time replacement can be named. More on this story as it develops.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

one of those days

A bad day is dropping the bread you just smeared w/ peanut butter face down on the counter. A worse day is, while cleaning up said mess, knocking the large peanut butter jar off the counter and onto your foot. #ForStreetFightingWeaponsChooseyMomsChooseJIF

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

cell coma

My phone suddenly went dark this morning. I furiously pressed & repressed the power button like I was taught in CPR training & screamed "Don't You Die On Me Dammit!!" #ThePatientSurvived

Monday, November 27, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

most important meal of the day

Kellogg's & Post say that sales of Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, & Cherrios are dangerously low because millennials are not buying them. I knew it.. we've raised a whole generation of cereal killers.

Friday, November 10, 2017


Yesterday in the "Heavenly Battle of the Network Stars": the heavyweight comedy team of John Candy, John Belushi, Chris Farley, Oliver Hardy, & Jackie Gleason continued to dominate winning the tug of war & pie eating contest. But today's potatoe sack race & triathlon, might prove a challenge. Stay tuned

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

ups and downs

In the last 24 hrs I dropped/shattered my phone screen, hiccupped diet mountian dew out of my nose, woke up with toothpaste in my eyebrow, AND had my neurologist tell me my MG is in remission. Today is a GOOD day

Monday, October 23, 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

clock key

Drove 15min to a clock place to buy a winding key to find the place empty. Called 3 others in Google & they were disconnected or moved. Seems time is running out for clock techs. They are all winding down into retirement.


Despite the glare during my morning commute I never get around to wiping the film off more than a circle of my windshield. Lazyness:1 Self-Preservation:0

Monday, October 16, 2017

Sunday, October 15, 2017

white paint black cloud

My meds sometimes make me dizzy. I was painting my guest room ceiling today when the room started to spin, I stumbled off the stepladder, stepped directly into the full bucket of paint and knocked it over

We all wanted to grow up to an be like the heros we watched on screen. My hero was Uncle Buck. #ExplainsALot

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I was just in a room being questioned by a guy at a table in front of a large 2 way mirror and camera. Eventually I cracked started to confess my crimes until he reminded me it was just a marketing survey for insulin brands.

opposing sides

My primary doc says steriods are messing with my diabetes. My neurologist says I need the steroids to deal w/ my MG. #TornBetweenTwoDoctorsFeelinLikeAFool

Monday, October 9, 2017

You know that step & handle the trashguy rides on the back of the truck? They should put those on city buses & only charge half fare.


I dreamed that I won a contest where the John Williams Orchestra performed a musical soundtrack to everything I did, however mundane, for a week. It got annoying after awhile but I did enjoy the jaws theme every time I made toast.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


This morning I pulled up next to a Prison Transfer Van and locked eyes w/ the guy in back. Instead of wondering if he was innocent or dangerous all I could think was that orange looked good on him.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

QT: the only safe spot

Why is it that online, politically, racially, internationally we all seem to hate each other but EVERYONE still holds the door for the next person at Quick Trip? Why are gas stations the only harmonious places left on the planet?

Sunday, September 24, 2017


"This riding mower is easy now that I have the hang of it." I thought proudly mere seconds before running over the wood retaining wall and crashing up into the garden area.

ahhhhhhh.. ahhhh.. chooo

Dear Windshield: One hand is on the wheel and the other has my phone to my ear. I feel 1-3 uncontrolled sneezes coming. This is not going to end well for you. #MyApologies

Friday, September 22, 2017


Did you hear?! The dotard and the rocket man are gonna fight by the flagpole at 3:30. The dotard fights dirty but the rocket man is bringing an anti-aircraft gun. Everybodys gonna be there. Should be good.

After a week of high heat & humidity I have officially transformed into a garden slug.

Friday, September 15, 2017


Playground merry-go-round was really just a pitching machine that shot out children. Best spot to be was on the outside spinning the tortured souls trying to hold down their lunch.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

good book

"If no dunking milk is available, thy MUST split thine cookie in half and scrape off yonder white center filling w/ thy front teeth like a beaver." - The Holy Book of Oreo/29:11


Grabbed a slice of breakfast pizza 🍕at QT on my way🤸‍♂️🚶‍♂️🏎️ to work to fuel me up for the morning ☀️but ended up feeling like a car🧟‍♂️💩 with sugar in the gas tank 🤢🤮

Sunday, September 10, 2017

nice day

Bike is in the shop, shoelace broke on my sneaker, & my knee is acting up. There is no better way to enjoy a beautiful day than to NOT feel the need to exercise in it. 😎🌞#SlothIsGoodSlothIsRight

Thursday, September 7, 2017

sit in the corner

Do the annoying/ass-hole parts of our personality go w/ us when we die? If so I'm in trouble because I dreamed I went to Heaven but God kept putting me in time-out.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


I leave Walmart w/ eggs in one bag and fragile glass in the other. A flock of kids run around me, I stumble in the parking lot, and then slam the brakes at a light but make it back to work intact. Relieved & proud, I drop the 2 bags onto my desk. #shit

sink drain, school bus, garbage truck,landscape trailer,shuttle van, casual walker:if its slow then I was behind it this morning.

sink drain, school bus, garbage truck,landscape trailer,shuttle van, casual walker:if its slow then I was behind it this morning.sink drain, school bus, garbage truck,landscape trailer,shuttle van, casual walker:if its slow then I was behind it this morning.

Sunday, September 3, 2017


Happy Surprise: Finding several Amazon packages on your stoop.
Brutal Reality: They all belong to your neighbor.
#IFeelSoUsed #AmazonTeased

Thursday, August 31, 2017


6 keys on my keychain: 4 I use, 1 I never use, & 1 I think goes to a lock in a now demolished building. But since I'm not sure it will stay on there forever.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

it is ... alive

Once upon a time, he was my inseparable childhood companion,🐻💓👶 but now he has been awakened by dark forces, escaped his storage confines, and roams the earth in search of your soul. #WelcomeToYourTeddyNightmare

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


I should not have to dress up, buy a gift, sit thru a ceremony, a rubbery chicken breast, and 2 long boring toasts just to get a slice of Wedding Cake. Its time this item became a standard dessert option. #MarriageSchmarriageJustGiveMeTheDamnCake


Feeling especially bad for the people who moved to Houston after being displaced by Katrina in 05. If they can prove they were victims of both ordeals I say they should get a Double Indemnity insurance payout.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

meep meep!

The Roadrunner is not being chased by the coyote so much as he is trying, Forest Gump style, to outrun the pain of being rejected by his family for looking more like a ostrich/rooster mix than a real roadrunner. #FowlShaming #MommaWasABirdWhore #JustFeltLikeRunning

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Dad's WW2 Honorable Discharge Papers 1945: Priceless Family Heirloom. / Dad's White Castle Craver Hall of Fame Award 2005: Priceless to him #TheHistoryWeLeaveBehindUs

coming this fall on FOX

New reality show idea: a group of 20 somethings are put to work inside a late 70s office environment (with retired bosses & coworkers from that era) that allows smoking, sexual/verbal harrassment, manual typewriters, business formal dresscode, & gluten, w/ no smartphone, internet, tablet, or computers and see how long they survive. Call it "CultureShock!" or "When I Was Your Age Dammit" #SponsoredByAARP

Thursday, August 17, 2017

just peachy

Think I cracked a tooth on some pit from the peach that smeared all over my shirt while I sat in traffic this morning. I was already sticky, broken, & late before even starting my work day.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

40 years gone

Later tonight I'm gunna pop a pill, then fry me up a big ol' peanutbutta&bananasandwich while I tear the seat of my white jumpsuit doin karate kicks in the kitchen as a tribute the big E. Know whut I mean, man? #ThankYewThankYewVeriMuch #TCBF #40years #RIP

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


At lunch I walked into a post office I hadn't been in since 1983 and literally nothing had changed. The guy at the counter had feathered hair & glasses and from the back I heard Every Breath You Take playing on a radio. Pretty sure I stepped back in time so I mailed my future self a postcard to invest in Apple stock and NOT buy those MC Hammer pants.


Did my first cut w the new riding mower. I left bald spots, high spots, brown spots, green spots, and untouched turns and corners. I no longer have a yard, I have a topigraphical map.


Dear white supremacist/nazis/kkk: Be advised that side effects of hate & violence (when mixed with body odor, chewing tobacco, smugness, and sleeveless t-shirts) may include spontaneous combustion as well as eternal damnation. #WeHopeYouEnjoyYourIncineration

Sunday, August 13, 2017

august 14 1969

48 years ago today the Apollo 11🚀 Astronauts👨‍🚀👩‍🚀👨‍🚀 (who first stepped 👣on the moon 🌑) were released from quarantine 😷to a ticker tape parade 🎈🎉🎊 which means its also the 48th anniversary of my Baptism👶💦😇 on the same day. #StillWetBehindTheEars

Friday, August 11, 2017

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


After 60 years in the same place my parents accumulated a lot of stuff.
"A house is just a pile of stuff with a cover on it."
"Ever notice that OTHER people's stuff is shit and YOUR shit, is stuff? 'Move that shit so I can put my stuff down!"
- George Carlin

wake and walk

My body is telling me I need more excercise but making me walk off leg cramps in a pitch black house at 4am every morning is not a good way to express it. #NoOneLikesASmartAssBody

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


I'm brushing my teeth when a meatball sized spider crawled out of the drain so I spat toothpaste on him & rinsed him back down. If I smell something minty fresh crawling up my back I'll know it's about revenge.

Monday, August 7, 2017

cough cough

I'm trying to justify the idea of going home sick for the afternoon but all I can find wrong w/ me is a slightly sore back, a few sniffles, a hang nail, and some carrot stuck between my teeth. #NotEnough

bombs away

I have an old desktop computer that I need to have wiped & then given for recycling but I'd much rather find a really high balcony to drop it off of. #SomeJuvenileInstinctsNeverDie

Thursday, August 3, 2017


I dreamed last night the new fad was using dishwashing liquid for toothpaste so I tried it. It worked well but soap bubbles came out whenever I peed. #WokeUpWithALemonTasteInMyMouth #TakesGreaseOutOfYourWay

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Currently taking a steroid w/ these side effects: Dizzness, rapid heartbeat, headaches, weight gain, urination issues, trouble breathing, problems speaking & thinking, vision impairment, skin problems, sweating, & trouble moving or walking. Its like an acid trip to advanced old age in just one pill

Sunday, July 30, 2017

It was nothing (I hope)

Late last night my car was loaded with stuff from my parents house when a single paper item suddenly caught wind and flew out the window into the night. I don't know but I'm sure it was probably just a treasure map, lost will, original Warhol drawing, or some early Apple stock certificate.

fashion mistake

Just realized I'm wearing these drawstring shorts inside out. This is is either early senility or else I'm due a refund on that learning disability testing I passed back in 4rth grade.


After having his soup spiked with antifreeze Ferris really does need a new kidney but no one believes him so Slone sets out to find Cameron, now homeless, bitter, & psychotic after destroying his father's car, to donate his. Hilarity ensues in "Ferris Bueller's Actual Sick Day: Jeannie's Revenge"

Friday, July 28, 2017


I accidentally hit 2 hours instead of 2 minutes on the microwave. I just wanted to warm my sandwich but I've turned it into the hulk. #AnAccidentalOverdoseOfGammaRadiation

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


So I'm at Walmart at lunch reaching for something on a shelf when this lady rams my cart w/ hers (seems mine was in the way & she was above saying "excuse me") causing my cart to roll out of the isle into a display an employee was working on. Despite my explanation I'm the one who got the dirty look & the lady continued to shop. When I passed her I expressed my feeling in sign language.

mowed down

Finished mowing so now I'm panting, dizzy, sweating, bleeding at the leg, bitten all over, exhausted, drained, and swearing I'll never go back out there. Is it possible to get post traumatic stress disorder from yard work?

The best plan to get me into a gym would have to involve a trail of little powder sugar donuts

Thursday, July 13, 2017


I have an appointment for a teeth cleaning today but the way my black cloud is running I'm predicting they will mix up my chart, pull out my teeth, and fit me for dentures.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

ooh that smell

How come the greasy butter popcorn smell sticks to my microwave like a fire alarm paint bomb for months but when I use Pledge on all my furniture I only smell lemon for 15 min?

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

move along

At my check up today the nurse used some sort of a jedi thermometer on me where she just waived this stick past my forehead. She got my temp plus I realized these were not the droids I was looking for.

Friday, July 7, 2017

label it

Dear Amazon: Please put the next package you send me inside of a Tampax Tampons box before you leave it on my doorstep. That way if someone steals it, atleast he'll look really stupid walking down the street with it. Thanks, DB

How low has my life gotten when I find myself looking forward to a trip to the Dollar Tree at lunch? #JetsettingInternationalManOfMystery 🤵🕶️🍸

Thursday, July 6, 2017

I didn't sleep well & got up early for a work function. Now my head feels tired and heavy so I got a haircut at lunch to lighten the load up there.

they knew at once

When Frank took her hand Alice felt something pass through her. She looked away bashfully. The connection was instant for both of them but they came from different social circles so theirs was a love that was forbidden.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Dropped by the mechanic and my car got a green light to take on vacation this month. The driver... meh. #OnTheRoadWithMrMagoo

too much of a good thing

Dear #SciFyChannel: Picture a world where a channel runs marathons of a classic show EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY until they become so repetitive they lose their brilliance and become mundane. You have now entered.. the overexposed zone.

Friday, June 30, 2017


So I saw my neurologist (well, not MY neurologist. The hospital leases him out) about my eye. What does the latest advancement neuromedical science advise me to do? Tape my eyelids open. 😵 #HeBlindedMeWithScience!!