Thursday, December 29, 2016

Debbie Reynolds

Sometime in the 70s my parents saw #DebbieReynolds perform in a musical at the Muny Opera (which is an outdoor venue here in St. Louis) When the show was stopped for a rain delay, Debbie came out onstage with a mic and umbrella and said,"If you people are going to sit in the rain then I will too!" She took audience requests and sang acapella until the storm passed. The lady was a class act. #RIP

This morning I hiccuped while taking a bite of sandwich and choked for a few seconds on my PBJ before clearing my throat. #CloseButNoCigar2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

My IT guy finally found a way to keep me from clicking on any more viruses.

Carrie Fisher

A long long time ago,(60 years in fact), in a galaxy far far away, Eddie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds had a baby girl who would grow up to be an actor, a screenwriter, an addict, a playwright, and an author. She was talented, honest, funny, and self-deprecating. The Force was strong in her.. always. RIP Carrie Fisher. #GoodnightPrincess

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Dear God: The streets are slick but I've missed Mass a few weeks and need to recharge. So, here's my offer. Get me there and home safely and there's $50 (tax free) in the collection plate with your name on it. No questions asked. Sincerely, Your obedient servant, Dave B #LuckBeALadyTonight


Either the Sam's gas pump was mostly frozen this morning or I stumbled into a Twilight Zone episode where time slowed and seconds ticked off like minutes. #WaitingForRodSerlingToStepOutFromBehindPump5

Friday, December 16, 2016

Now how much would you pay?

I have atleast 35 gifts to wrap tonight! That's why I'm glad I bought "The Miracle Dr Octavius Extra Arm Extentions" by Black n Decker. The install was a snap (if you don't mind a little spinal nerve damage) and the cost was affordable. Now, not only will my wrapping be done in a flash, but I can clean the gutter, sort the laundry, and finally reach that annoying itch on my back without leaving the comfort of my sofa! Buy some for YOUR family this Christmas! Available in various sizes and colors. Call now!! (Some restrictions apply:Seller not responsible for poked eyes, wall/floor/ceiling damage, criminal rampages, or electricution. Product is subject to rust, bend, and cause psychotic behavior. Banned in Nebreska, New Mexico, and Rhoad Island.)

Feeling under the weather and lethargic so I chugged a full can of spinach and waited. #PopeyeIsAFriggingLiar

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

bad day

I walk past it and the printer jams. I hit a key and my PC freezes. I pick up the phone and its an angry, condesending customer. I go into the mens room and the guy before me (who apparently just ate an entire diseased buffalo by himself) neglected to flush. #SevereBlackCloudDayKeepDistanceForYourOwnSafety

Monday, December 12, 2016


The first guy to make popcorn shit his pants in surprise, then spent the rest of his days trying to make other foods do the same thing. He died from exploding pumpkin shrapnel. #JiffyPopPumpkinBomb

Sunday, December 11, 2016

just give me another 5 min

Woke up around 8am and decided to sleep in another 20min. Opened my eyes again at 11:10am. There is a fine line between a nap & winter hybernation. #BlackCloudZZZs

Friday, December 9, 2016

noise noise noise

16 days before the 25th and The Christmas Spirit hasn't come within 5 miles of me.The Grinch has gone from a cautionary tale into someone who actually makes some really good points.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

over sprayed

Hairspray: started as a John Waters cult film, made into a play, then into a broadway musical, then into a major motion picture musical, and then an NBC live event. Unless they plan on turning it into an interpretive dance ballet or a saturday morning cartoon, I think this has played out. #CanIsEmpty #OverExploited


Dreamed last night I was in a comedy/action movie fight scene being attacked by an inept overweight ninja but the only weapons on hand for our battle were rolls of wrapping paper. #DollarTreeFightSceneDreamSequence

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

one of those days

Due to some extreme tossing & turning I literally got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Accordingly, before opening my eyes, I bumped into a wall that was not supposed to be there. #SetThePrecedentForTheDay

Monday, December 5, 2016

boom! Plop.

Pearl Harbor Day may be wednesday but today, December 5th, 2016, will live in infamy as my car was suddenly and deliberately attacked by a flock of overfed and well aimed birds from the empire of the parking lot trees. #MultiplePoopBombHits

Working up Monday morning momentum! OK!!! READY?!?!! Annnd..ahh screw it.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Uh oh

Yesterday I was in the grocery check out when nature called. The lettuce was on sale for $.89 but rang up at $1.49. After quick calculation I opted to pay an additional $.60 to get home 2 minutes faster rather than wait on a pricecheck. #WorthEveryPenny

Friday, December 2, 2016


I'm in the mood for a little danger, so tonight I'm having dinner at a discount chinese buffet. #CulinaryRussianRoulette #TumsInOneHolsterPeptoInTheOther


Jail is just a large scale version of a "time out" so police should have the option of giving a loud & stern 1-5 warning count to see if the perp in queston stops acting out.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

into the fray

The idea of jumping into Christmas shopping makes me feel like I'm 9 yrs old, standing at the edge of the high dive board, looking down, w/ a line behind me, wondering just what the hell was I thinking?

thank u note

I'm not much of a Bible-thumper but with my black cloud I find I now spend as much time saying "Thanks" to God for what didn't happen as I do Praying that it doesn't.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Either a bald eagle,3 chipmunks, and a possum are having an orgy in my engine compartment or the new belts I had installed last week need adjusting. #AnimalPlanetAfterDark

maid to order

I actually hired a cleaning lady and today is her first day. Either I'll come home to a clean house or a cleaned out house. (Is it weird that my neighbor texted that she arrived in an empty moving van with 4 helpers?) #HopingSheInadvertentlyVacuumsUpMyBlackCloud

Monday, November 28, 2016

still here

Today marks 11 years I'm with this company. This is the longest I've stayed in one spot since I joined Witness Protection. #ThinkingTheyForgotMeAgain

It begins..

On this date, after an enormous day of profit by their silent partner,, the Cyberdyne Industries were funded to develop Skynet, which became self aware and caused the rise of the machines. Therefore, this day shall forever be known as CYBER MONDAY.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

it begins..

7 days before thanksgiving and across the country texts/calls/emails are being exchanged regarding who is bringing what, where to find extra chairs, & who is/is not coming. Let the under breath bitching & grumbling of the holiday season begin. #NoOneEvenEatsTheDamnCranberrySauce

sock it to me

Either socks are going to have to start being sold with little metal snap buttons to keep them together thru the laundry process or they should be sold in 3s so there is always a back up. #AliensLoveToFWithUsByAbductingOneSockAtATime

Monday, November 14, 2016

I agree to a catapult, airbag, or trap door rigged to deploy when I enter the breakroom on office food days. #TimeToGetMedievalOnMyAss

too much too soon

In an effort to prevent inevitable burnout, the 2 FM stations in St. Louis now playing 24/7 holiday music (both of whom go by the "official Christmas station") need to fight each other in a Yultide Hunger Games deathmatch. There can be only one.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

"I'm a little verklempt.Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you topic: Palmolive – it's neither palm, nor olive. Discuss." - Linda Richmond/Coffee Talk/SNL

moving on

I'm looking forward to FB posts once again being dedicated to important things like photos of dinner plates, comments about the weather, big toothy selfies, pet photos, how much Christmas shopping you've done, kid pics, & memes (so many f-ing memes). #AnythingButPolitics #DamageIsDone

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Apparently my polling place got changed at the last minute to this van parked behind an abandonded KMart. These 2 guys w/ russian accents had me cast my vote on some sort of an IPad. So Easy!

Monday, November 7, 2016

anxiety over tomorrow's election is like living thru the cuban missile crisis in 1962. #FearForTheEndOfTheWorld

morning surprise

This morning on hwy 44 the truck in front of me was cut off turned sharply causing 2 sandbags to fall out of the back which I swerved & barely missed almost making me hit the car to my left. I'll just tell people that stain on my pants is spilled tea. #BlackCloudSandManAttack

Thursday, November 3, 2016


I might need a mental heimlich maneuver because my brain is actually choking on obnoxious mud slinging local & state political ads. #PumpStomachUntilIVOTEDStickerPopsOutOfMouthAndBreathingIsRestored

Sybil moment

So I'm facing the microwave in the breakroom making various comments to a coworker that I did not realize had left the room. #TalkingToMyselfLikeASchizophrenicHomelessMan

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Nanny Note

Dear Mary Poppins, Thank you for the joy you brought me as a child. Thank you for teaching me a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down. Thanks also for the diabetes that practice brought. You can expect a letter from my attorney.

Monday, October 31, 2016


40 yrs ago: Worrying about my costume,joke,&candy draw.
25 yrs ago:Worrying about my costume & which bar/party to hit.
5 yrs ago:Worrying about hitting a trick or treater while delivering pizza.
Today: Worrying that my orange shirt will cause people to mistake me for a large, lumpy pumpkin.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Certs Doc? (Please?)

Its very hard to concentrate on a doctor's very lengthy detailed scientific diagnosis explantion and scratch pad drawings of molecule structure when he has breath that smells like a 5 day old corpse discovered in a car trunk in New Orleans in July. #PleaseHealMeButFirstLetsBothHaveAnAltoid

Thursday, October 27, 2016

make me better/stronger/faster

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a Neurologist. In the paperwork it asked my reason for the appointment so I wrote: Myasthena Gravis. Next question was Any Other Reasons? I wrote: Please install Bionics or Super Powers while you are at it.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

I'm all for a remake of the 1974 film EARTHQUAKE but only on the condition that Victoria Principal returns for a cameo wearing her afro wig.


Seems I didn't kick the recliner fully back in the upright position because when I stood up the footrest popped back up knocking me off balance and into the elliptical machine before bouncing across the room the loveseat. #BlackCloudPinball

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

plop plop fizz fizz

Damn you St. Louis Bread Co! Your single cup of turkey chili kept me up all night w/ acid reflux & indigestion yet somehow if I could go back in time I fear I'd do it all over. What kind of voodo crack rock hypnotic addictive ingredients did you put in there?? #BlackCloudTumsAlkaSeltzerDay

Friday, October 7, 2016

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


On my way to work the same house has a "huge" garage sale atleast twice a year. How much junk do these people have?!? Assuming they either constantly hit other garage sales to absorb other people's crap or they are thieves and this is how they unload the take.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Breaker Breaker Good Buddy. This here's the Black Cloud comin at ya. I'm at mile marker 3 on National Talk Like a Trucker Day and I'm looking for Bear report, come back? I got the pedal to the metal and I'm gone. 10/4

Monday, October 3, 2016


On one hand, my boss gave me a couple of really nice cigars. On the other hand, my coworker flung a plastic rat that stuck to the ceiling above my desk. Not sure if this is going to be a good day or a bad day but it seems the mafia thinks I'm a snitch.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

This is the kind of weather where I really need my office to crack open like my old Fischer Price schoolhouse.


Do I stare directly into the sun behind the stoplight for 60 seconds so I don't miss it turning green to ensure the car behind me doesn't honk? Yes. I burn my cornea & see a yellow spot half way to work just to have the same car cut me off a block later. This means war.

Monday, September 26, 2016

the heat is gone

My toaster oven died (or my little oven is toast.) This leaves me only 7 other viable food heating options (stove,microwave, foreman grill, gas grill, fire pit, clothes dryer, & car engine) but, my man rule book lists this as an appliance and therefore I am obligated to shop, compare, and replace as soon as possible. The hunt is on.

don't get cocky

This morning my toast didn't burn, my cheese omelette was perfect, & the sausage was just right. I internally gloated about this accomplishment as I slid the eggs onto my plate from the pan.. which was apparently too close to the bread wrapper which instantly melted all over the bottom of my skillet. #ServesMeRightForBeingOptimistic #BlackCloudMeltDown #CrockeryFail

ooh that smell

Is it counterproductive if the guy who cleans your office leaves a noxious BO/DeadRottingHobo odor in the wake of the every room he just cleaned? Seems like using a flame thrower to dry out water damaged furniture.

Less than 3 hours sleep last night so my official answer to any question you are about to ask me today is PASS.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

first day of fall (finally) and it's sweltering

Dear Gambini Crime Family: For 77 days I have been counting down to the relief that Fall would bring from the punishment of summer. Today Fall is finally here... and St. Louis will have a 100 degree heat index. I blame the Heat Miser. Accordingly, I am calling in my favor. To quote Capone - "I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to da GROUND!" Tonight the Heat Miser sleeps with the fishes. Thanks, Your Pal, Dave B

Sunday, September 18, 2016


I did a long overdue house cleaning yesterday and last night I felt like I was in a hotel. It smelled fresh, everything was in place, plus I found a Gideon Bible in my nightstand and a dead hooker under the bed.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Between her daily nursing care aids, cleaning lady, lawn service, homehealthcare RN, & 5 adult children, my Mom now has a bigger staff than the Govenor's mansion. All we need to add is a butler and she'll have a complete set.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

too much time on my hands

My bedroom has a clock radio on my nightstand, a back up one on my dresser, a wall clock, my cell phone, my wristwatch, and the time on the TV news: None of them are even close to matching times. No wonder I start each day confused.

Monday, August 1, 2016

vote for me

I'd like to propose a bill that stipulates for every mud-slinging or sickenly sweet patriotic campaign ad aired, a seperate, totally dry humored ad for a fake candidate be produced and aired as well. This would add some sugar to help the bullshit medicine of politics go down.

Arrived 45 min early to stand in front of my office with my coworkers and cheer & wave for a corporate video. The things I'll do for a free sausage biscuit.

Friday, July 29, 2016


Devil: Welcome to hell Mr. Bornholdt. Your job will be mowing and trimming all the grass. The good news is, it only needs to be cut in the hot humid month of August.
Me: I guess I can deal with that.
Devil: Did I mention it's August all year long down here?
Me: shit.

its hard to keep going in this exhausting,frightening, & increasingly dangerous world until someone puts donuts in the breakroom and life is good for awhile.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I'm convinced The Hokey Pokey is an ancient tribal dance to appease the sun god. The more it fades away, the faster we globally warm. THAT'S what its all about.

fire and rain

Do I close my car windows to keep out the storm or leave them cracked so it doesn't heat up to where I burst into flames when I get in? To paraphrase baby James: I'll see fire or I'll see rain. I'm seeing a summer that I fear will never end. I see a heat index that makes solid steel bend. But in 63 days I'll finally see fall again.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

new use for old shirt

I'm thinking of digging out my decades old Best Buy shirt and name tag just so I can hang around the store and give incorrect electronics advice. "Sony is about to release their new hexigone shaped TV line that come with digital scratch & sniff technology and it's gonna be a game changer."

Monday, July 11, 2016

kill joys

I passed by a park that had a banner advertising a Back to School Picnic in August. If I was a kid I'd be so pissed off having to be reminded of that everytime I wanted to hit the swings. Way to harsh my summer vaca buzz you jerks!

black cloud

Today I had a coughing fit while drinking some ice water which caused me to spit out a piece of ice, which bounced off the refrigerator door, ricocheted back at my head, then landed under-frigging-neath my glasses, & poked me in the eye. ‪#‎HarlemGlobetrottersBlackCloudTrickShot‬

The country is entirely too intense right now. Lets everyone just chill out for a bit. Relax. Have a pudding cup.

I spent the night up with indigestion & acid reflux. Then again, my menu yesterday was supplied by BK & Pappa John's. Buy the ticket.. take the ride.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Clean Teeth/Wild Ride

Just got my teeth cleaned and my hygienist might have been on cocaine. She was this pretty, petite, little thing but she rapid fire talked 20 miles a minute & tossed me around in that chair like I was an empty plastic bag. I now know her entire romantic, spiritual, & professional history and have bruises like I lost a UFC match.

Woke up w/ a deep cough. If I was a plane my LEFT ENGINE FAILURE cockpit warning alarm would be flashing.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Forecast:100. intensely hot day. Heat index 105-108. 93 days to fall. Must..hold..on

double troubles

So far this week I had 2 ATMs not accept 2 $5bills, 2 nights in a row w/ the same deer crossing in front of my car(both times gave me an FU Elvis lip quiver), and 2 twice sneezed in the middle of a food order. ‪#‎ChewingBlackCloudDoubleMintGum

Sunday, April 17, 2016


sunshine, on my shoulders, makes me sunburn.
sunshine, in my eyes, destroys my sight.
sunshine, on the water, means I'm sinking.
sunshine, works much better for me at night.

I've been looking for my Will so I can update it. Finally found it in the file marked Way.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


Just scored free tickets to the Barry Manilow concert tonight at Scott Trade Centeter. (Thanks Anne Marie) Hoping I don't come away from the mosh pit smelling like bengay again. Those fanilows party hardcore.. plastic hips and all.

2day in 1943 Oklahoma! opened on Broadway & brought down the house. Yesterday a tornado opened up in Oklahoma & brought down a house on Broadway

Monday, March 28, 2016

old drivers scare me

So I'm minding my own business driving back from lunch when an old man in the lane next to me decides to cross into mine without looking. As he inched closer he was suddenly shocked to see my car there and HE honked and cursed at ME!!! Sorry Mr.Magoo but I did nothing wrong. Time to hang up those keys.

Happy 50% Off All Easter Candy Monday everyone.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


I've pinched, skewered, licked, scooped, stirred, sword fought, back-scratched, constructed with, burned, door jammed, nose-hung, drawn with, spear chucked, drummed, grave marked, goal posted, colored, and whittled them, but never, in all my years, did I ever once chop with them. Time for some rebranding.

FU Bangles. We walk just fine. - Egypt

Friday, March 11, 2016

right after the final credit rolled

Dear Breakfast Club,
I'm glad you had such an eye opening afternoon during your Saturday detention but the fact remains that your little note was 96 words long and your assignment was for individual essays of no less than a 1000 words each. In violation of your dentention you are all hereby suspended untl further notice. - Mr. Vernon

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Office Flu Bug Week 3: Very few of us left. Surviving by becoming a large, bearded Krispy Kreme donut perpetually covered in a glaze of Germ-X Hand Sanitizer

still better than Trump

Unrepentant millionare Quincy Magoo was sentenced to 100 hours of community service today after being convicted of 7 counts of vehicular manslaughter and driving while intoxicated. This has only increased his popularity in the polls however as he is now the current front runner for the GOP nomination for president.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

musical infidelity

Rupert Holmes' Escape(The Pina Colada Song) is really just a musical episode of "Cheaters" minus the unpublished final verse involving lawers, entrapment, and a bloody showdown at O'Mally's.

worst part of a haircut

Dear Great Clips: I'm willing to pay an extra $2 upfront on my haircut if we can waive the sales pitch for your shampoo and products. We both know I'm never going to do more than "think about it."

Friday, January 22, 2016

a whole new world

I'd consider going back to Disneyworld if they built a separate park just for tired adults featuring rides like The Disney Princess Foot Massage Experience, Pirates of the Caribbean Hammock Nap Adventure, and Mamma Bambi's Steak & Ale house.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

dust in the wind

Since everything is digital now in 1000 years archeologists will piece together our history from old movie posters, People magazine, and The National Enquirer. This will be recorded for posterity as a dark period called The Kardashian Age.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

brrrr good

I enjoy bundling up against the cold as opposed to stripping down for the heat. My reduced number of visual nuisance citations in the winter months suggest the general pubic agrees with my decision.

Friday, January 8, 2016

challenge accepted

Time:1996 / Place: Chattanooga, TN / Bribe: Tab for plate of hot wings, 1 jack & coke, 5 beers, & 2 shots / Dare: Soulful, animated, karaoke rendition of I've Never Been to Me in front of a crowded redneck bar. / Result: God I'm such a whore.

Monday, January 4, 2016


projectile-coughed a pill across the room this morning - 1/ traffic jam -1 short cut +2 late for work -2/good stick at lab blood draw +2 / surprise urine sample - 1/ McD's screwed up drive thru order -2
/clean mug in office dishwasher +1/fogged glasses opening -1
/tripped on shoelace -2/recovered +1/
start of the 3rd quarter score: Dave 6 / Black Cloud 10

My fitbit readout read out called my time of death. Is that bad?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

boiling mad at lack of notice

While they are flushing the remaining flood sewage from the water plant, I continue to be under a boil order. Which is something I wasn't aware of until last night. Atleast now when someone tells me I'm full of shit, I can't disagree with them.