Dear 2014,
We had some good times, but you also brought me frustration, mistrust, landed me in the hospital, and drained my savings. You and my ex-wife would actually get along really well. Time for you to go.
Big D
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
house stuff
Found out that my slowly sinking screen porch is being supported by my new roof. Eventually it will pull away from the house taking much of the roof with it. Estimated cost to repair is $3,300.00. Anyone have the number of a good arsonist?
Monday, December 29, 2014
I'll bet the Jawas from Star Wars had the most wacky, cheaply made late night TV commercials on Tatooine to push their New Years Day Madness Sale every year. "No Credit? No Problem! Every Droid Must Go!!!"
Sunday, December 28, 2014
days are getting longer again
The days are now getting longer. In no time at all the grass will be growing and the late sunset will remind me of all the outside work I should be doing. Lazy people and darkness: we go together like chocolate and peanut butter.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
stroy unfolding
Right now, unbeknownst to us, a real life event is taking place somewhere in the world that will someday be turned into it a historical film that we will watch and remember where we were at this point in our life.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
santa leak #1
Santa Cyber Leak #1: Hermey, North Pole's only Elf Dentist for 50+ years, is being accused of drugging and molesting several female elves while they were getting dental work in the 1980s. The statute of limitations have expired but both his reputation and practice are in serious trouble. He is looking to Santa for PR help.
Santa Hacked
NEWS FLASH: Santa's Workshop Latest Victim of North Korean Cyber Attack! Hackers demand Christmas cancelled or else internal documents will be leaked to social media. Pres/CEO S.Claus responded w/ the following quote, "They can stick their threats up their Ho Ho Ho's. Christmas will move forward as scheduled!" More to come..
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
cheese on that?
Why does making a burger into a cheeseburger always raise the price a dollar? Way too high of a profit margin. Where are buying this "expensive" cheese? The airport??
Monday, December 15, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
house stuff
I may have a new roof over my head but the house is cold because now the furnace is busted. Combine that w/ the bleeding walls & whispering voices at night and I'm starting to think it was a bad idea to save money by buying a house built on an indian burial ground.
Friday, December 12, 2014
They installed my new roof yesterday. The house doesn't feel any different but I HAVE noticed my savings account has all sorts of new space in it and is considerably lighter.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Santa vs
Batman had Joker and Superman had Lex Luther.. Santa Claus needs an arch enemy. I propose: Silas Claus - Santa's long lost evil twin from the south pole who wears all gray, is surrounded by an army of angry penguins, hates kids, and foils Christmas by greasing the inside of chimneys and spikes Santa's reindeer food with curry powder and colon-blow laxative.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
be careful..
I just ate lunch at a Mexican restaurant and, for the first time in my life, the waiter failed to warn me that the plate was hot. Clearly our society is less than a step away from total breakdown.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Rosemary Clooney
On the White Christmas DVD commentary track, the late Rosemary Clooney tells a story of how, when she was institutionalized with a nervous breakdown in 1968, Bing Crosby wrote her a long serious supportive letter while Bob Hope simply sent her a massive display of flowers w/ a note saying "Hope its a Boy".
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
doctor order
My doctor tells me I need to lose weight. Thinking I could either diet and exercise like a responsible adult or I could get fitted with a Hannibal Lecter mask for a few months. Looks like I'm shopping online tonight.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
old and older stuff
To my middle aged amigos: Remember when VCRs, cable TV, call waiting, cordless phones, microwaves, & answering machines were cool new technology? / To my younger amigos: I'm curious what items you grew up w/ as new that will be outdated and obsolete 30 years down the line.
Monday, December 1, 2014
parade jump
Just ONCE I'd like to see someone jump from a rooftop and land on top of one of the cartoon balloons and ride it the rest of the parade route. is that TOO much to ask Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade?????
food buzzz
I propose that every 6th random appetizer or dessert item brought in for office food days be wired with electric shock. Not only would this be an excellent cognitive behavioral therapy technique to minimize snacking but it would be fun as hell to watch.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
snowy riot
Officials report that today's scheduled civil unrest, rioting, looting, burning, and window breaking has been cancelled due to snow. These activities will be rescheduled for the convenience of the participating criminal element. The city apologies to the national media for the delay in their completely unbiased/ratings grabbing coverage of the crime wave.
new insurance
My new insurance quadrupled all my prescription deductibles to several hundred $ per month so I'll need some extra cash. Does anyone want to rent a room? Hire a drug mule? Know of the best corners to hold a sign and panhandle?
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
fun fact
In the movie GREASE, the song 'Look at Me, I'm Sandra Dee' (where Stockard Channing grinds next to an Elvis poster) was filmed on August 16, 1977... the same day Elvis Presley died.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Instead of being a TA it looks like I'm going to be teaching the next 1-2 ACT101 classes at Meramec. Me teaching a college course inspires all the confidence of a Sniper Training course taught by Stevie Wonder.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Sunday, November 9, 2014
I never engage in political debate because all parties believe THEY have the only credible sources. Its an unwinnable stalemate every time only resulting in tension and mutual distain. If I wanted that I'd go back to my ex wife.
Friday, November 7, 2014
danger zone
This morning I slept thru 3 alarms, pulled out in front of oncoming cars twice, and took a huge gulp of boiling hot tea. Somehow, my internal safety switch has flicked itself from Self-Preservation mode to the "Y'all Watch This" setting.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Friday Night TV
Dear Networks, Since a Friday night slot is a death sentence for any program placed there, why not just run dead shows? I'm talking a whole evening of full, original lines ups (commercials too) from 1977, 1969, 1983, 1995, etc. If no one is watching anyway.. who will notice? Thanks, Dave B
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
If you want a bigger turn out on #ElectionDay then turn the ballots into scratch off game pieces: 1 in 10 wins a free Pepsi; 1 in 50 wins double the vote; 1 in 500 wins a free Xbox; 1 in 2500 wins a free speeding ticket fix; and 1 in 10,000 wins a seat in the senate.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Obsessive Compulsive Leaf & Lawn Disorder (OCLLD): is an anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts about falling leaves that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear or worry that more than 3 will land on their grass at a time and immediately kill it. As a result, they feel an irresistible need to stand in their yard and rake and dispose of each leaf as it falls rather than wait for them all to come down and dispose of them all at once like a normal person. The best way to help people suffering from this affliction is to hide their rake & leaf blower for their own good until all the trees are bare. In time.. they will thank you for it
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
lunch flick
In 91' I was a college intern at U.E. Media Dept. During lunch in the conference room they would bring in their VHS rentals, narrate & FF thru the slow stuff and watch the highlights. Called it Fast Forward Theater. Best lunch hours ever.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
day off
Yesterday it seemed every move I made was unwise. If today is no better, then tomorrow I set up a fake Ferris Bueller style Ebola symptom self quarantine and head out for some time off.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
if elected...
So, if I believe what I hear on TV, every incumbent who is up for reelection does nothing but steal, take bribes, and beat up kittens, while every challenger for the seat is my friend, will never spend a dime, will create thousands of jobs, and literally can walk on water.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Monday, October 20, 2014
chim chimeny
My chimney is leaking so I've got a guy coming tomorrow to inspect it. I've never met him but I anticipate he'll look like Dick Van Dyke, speak w/ a heavy cockney accent, & have soot on his face.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
snot funny
It seems that the bright neon yellow glowing gunk I'm coughing up and blowing out indicates either I have an upper respiratory virus or I've unknowingly digested a bunch of kryptonite. If I sneeze and kill Superman.. I'll know what's what.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
When I was young, idealistic, and full of optimism, romantic songs and power ballads really motivated me. But ironically, now that I'm older, jagged, & worn down by experience, I can realistically relate more to these songs but w/out the fire of youth they no longer move me.
I was sick in bed all day yesterday. Today I'm well enough to be at work but still sick enough to feel like a mix between Reverend Jim from Taxi and Jim Morrison but better than Jimmy Hoffa.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
People spend so much money on fishing boats and gear that I'm surprised no one has marketed a recreational jon boat sized submarine with windows and expandable nets and grabber arms. Now THATS fishing.
Friday, October 10, 2014
starvin Marvin
If I adopt one of those starving Feed-the-Children kids in Africa for 70 cents a day I want it in writing that he'll take my last name AND be liable to take care of me in my golden years when I'm senile and incontinent.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
The sealer in the postage machine is broken at work so this morning I licked 18 envelopes before mailing them. I feel fine.. except my tongue is stuck to my teeth, bright colors are really intense, and the raindrops are speaking to me in french.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Dear La-Z-Boy Furniture People,
Please develop a recliner with an anti-sleep electric shock sensor option.
Thanks, Dave B / PS - You might want to include some plastic lining on those models because I might pee a little
Please develop a recliner with an anti-sleep electric shock sensor option.
Thanks, Dave B / PS - You might want to include some plastic lining on those models because I might pee a little
baby dozer
I constantly drive by crews using those tiny bull dozers. Where is the tiny dump truck, tiny concrete mixer truck, and tiny crane? I'd like to be the first kid on the block to collect the whole toy set.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Friday, October 3, 2014
#Godfather Fact: According to Francis Ford Coppola on the DVD commentary, Lenny Montana (Luca Brasi) could barely get through his thank you scene w/ Don Corleone because Brando (a huge practical joker) had his back to the camera and put a sign on his forehead that read "F*#@ You".
Dear PopRocks,
Dear PopRocks,
Please set up a lunch with the diabetic pharmaceuticals people about creating some sugar free crackle/pop medication.
Thanks, Dave B
Please set up a lunch with the diabetic pharmaceuticals people about creating some sugar free crackle/pop medication.
Thanks, Dave B
Thursday, October 2, 2014
movie pass
Just scored free preview tickets for this movie tonight. Sweeet!! I love being part of a test audience. Makes me feel like a mouse being clocked by scientists as I make my way through a maze to get my cinematic cheese reward at the end.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
waiting by the mailbox
I have a box of cigars being delivered today. This is awesome. Not getting my box-top-earned-captain-crunch-treasure-chest-in-the-mail-in-1976-awesome. But awesome just the same.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
need sleep
After my 2nd night without sleep, I put my shirt on inside out, accidentally microwaved a dog biscuit, and used a neighbors flower bed for a passing lane. Otherwise I'm perfectly fine.
Monday, September 29, 2014
So Big Bird (who's "Jurassic Park" origins were never explained) is now over 45 years old with the mind of a child. Someone needs to cast him as Lennie in the next Broadway production of 'Of Mice and Men'.
the bush
I took on a way overgrown bush with an electric trimmer and an old step ladder yesterday. Long story short: I cut through my extension cord, got the trimmer stuck in the top thicket, and fell into the thing. The bush won.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
I have a theory that there are a lot of deer out there with over inflated egos who stand next to a highway, see an oncoming truck, and say to their buddy, "I can take him."
Friday, September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
presidential life expectancy
Judging from those before & after wear & tear photos, I wonder if single term presidents statistically live longer than two term presidents? (FDR doesn't count because his 3 terms throws off the grading curve.)
Fun Fact: If you eliminate the radio, wind, and engine noise of Monday morning drive time, you can actually hear the marching sound and mournful "Oh-wee-oh. Ohhhhooo" song of the wicked witches' solders on their way into her gloomy castle.
I'm walking through the Target parking lot and this guy sitting in a car sneezes. A girl walking from the other direction looked up and, thinking it was me, smiled and Blessed me as we passed. So now I have this extra Blessing I didn't earn that I need to pass on before it spoils.
ken burns
When I die I want Ken Burns to do a PBS documentary on my life. (Ofcourse I'll have to pay extra for him to make up some interesting stuff about me. I'm thinking... maybe.. deep undercover CIA assassin.)
To celebrate talk like a pirate day, today only, all Somali pirates are allowed to seize and ransom any merchant ship they can catch on the high seas without fear of prosecution. (offer good while supplies last, void where prohibited, some restrictions apply)
Most people injure their backs playing sports, moving furniture, or working out. Me? I did it by sitting in a movie theater. Apparently, I can't even WATCH people being active without hurting myself. —
feeling pained.

black cloud
I left my house and car windows open for this morning's rain showers, my PC was down for virus repairs all morning, got a wicked paper cut, had 2 screaming VMs & 5 angry emails, spilled water on my crotch, dropped my keys in a puddle, have nasty heartburn from lunch... and it's only 1:20. Seems I've enlisted in the black cloud army: who's motto is "We'll see that more bad shit happens to you before 9am than most people get all day"
shit creek
If I add up all the energy I put into trying to exercise and eat right but subtract the times I just eat whatever sounds good it's like I'm in a canoe paddling hard upstream using a pool cue for an oar.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Sometimes when I'm sitting quietly & my stomach makes loud gurgling noises I look down and envision the inhabitants of Fraggle Rock in there running for their lives as their caverns flood w/ digestive acid. My mind is a scary place.
Monday, September 15, 2014
here she is....
If you want a proper update, stick the top 5 Miss America finalists in a caged ring with the crown hanging over it. Give them a ladder, 2 working fire hoses, and assorted blunt weapons. The one who gets out of there with the crown wins.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
It occurred to me that in the last 9 years I've only been pulled over twice and ironically, for running the SAME damn stop sign. If history has a need to repeat itself why can't it be something good, like finding a $20 bill on a parking lot?
Twice today the sleeve of my robe has snagged on the ball of my stair rail almost flipping me over the edge. I'm wondering if monks encounter this problem every day?
Friday, September 12, 2014
feelin chill
After months of being constantly bitch-slapped and pushed around by the evil, nightmarish prison warden of summer heat & humidity, a cold gray day is like the cool, sweet, kiss of freedom by the beautiful angel of fall.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
can't find x & don't care y
Last night I had a long nightmare I was stuck in a college algebra class I didn't understand. When I woke up and convinced myself it was only a dream and that I'd graduated decades ago I spoke my first words of the day.. "Math can suck it."
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
junk tour
Starting from the assembly line, every vehicle should carry a running recorded diary and description of all it's owners, locations, occupations, musical playlist, decorations, payload, and anecdotes- including details and backstory of it's final wreck or breakdown. This way, junk yards could provide self guided audio walking tours for the morbidly curious. Kind of like carfax- meets-a Ken Burns documentary.
monday dash
Trying to get started on Monday morning for me is akin the starting line of the 30 meter dash at the Nursing Home Olympics.. when they fire the starting gun 3 people fall over, 1 rolls backwards, and 2 start off w/ a slow hobble with walkers. That is my speed out of the gate.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Yesterday, my 14yr old mutt thankfully survived being sedated for a dental cleaning. At her age she doesn't bounce back fast and the poor thing was weaving, wobbling, and slumping around like she was in an alcoholic stupor when she wasn't passed out last night. This morning she was more lively but clearly hung over. I'm just happy she woke up.
After 31 years of procrastinating I finally got around to watching The Outsiders last night. For a movie that launched more careers than the casting couch I was expecting a little more 'Rebel Without a Cause' and a lot less 'ABC Afterschool Special'. Very cheesy.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
take another road
When I bicycle the Missouri trail system as a rule I never look at maps. that way every once in awhile I come across a new road I've never been on before. It's always worked out well for me (except for that one time in Deliverance but I don't want to talk that)
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Some people KNOW they have the next great American novel in them just waiting to be written. As for me, at BEST, I might have a page-a-day calendar in there someplace.
labor day
Today is the one day of the year that hospitals should only charge half price for delivering babies (or twins two for one)
Last night I slept through 2 weather alarms on my cell, a tornado siren, and the storm itself. Mother Nature needs a snooze setting.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
It appears my culinary expertise does not extend to getting spaghetti from the box to the pot without dropping a minimum of 5-10 noodles that will be randomly discovered on my kitchen floor over the next week.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
close one
There is something cool about an isolated summer thunder/lightening storm rolling in that always makes me feel like I'm in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Dammit.. this MEANS something!!!
So if what our parents warned us about is true, we can all stand with the front door open and air-condition the whole neighborhood. I say it's worth a try dammit.
When I was a kid I'd get a free toy when I was good at the doctor. Later, my dentist started giving me a goody bag w/ toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. Now I walk out of my doctor's office with a bag full of free prescription sample boxes. All things being equal, I'd prefer the toy.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Last night I was picking up some groceries for my Mom and for no reason, I had a spur of the moment instinct to pick her up some flowers. Turns out yesterday was the 66th anniversary of she and my late father's first date (The SS Admiral, 1948). They celebrated that date as much as their wedding for decades. I think Dad was somehow pointing me to that floral section.
I would support the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra a lot more if they would dedicate 2 or more performances a season to nothing but classic TV theme songs.
Monday, August 25, 2014
I'm retreating to a deep, cool, underground cave to hibernate until the St. Louis stops doing its impression of the surface of the sun. Somebody wake me in the fall.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
how was your morning?
Had to fast for a morning blood draw so caffeine. Then surprised by a urine sample request (which came too late) so I was given a to go cup. Went to grab breakfast at McD's but it was not only closed.. the building was leveled. Went to Hardee's instead which my stomach is telling me was a serious mistake. Still have another Dr. appt, a cup to fill & deliver, a full work day, and a 100 degree lawn mow ahead today. My #blackcloud has the upper hand for this round.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
too darn hot
Ahhh.. there's nothing quite like the heat & humidity of a St. Louis August! Oh wait. Yes there is. You could dress in winter flannel, then sit under an Arby's heat lamp, and have someone repeatedly drop a moldy sleeping bag drenched with hot dirty dishwater on top of you. That might come close
For those about to sit through the entire FXX 12 day marathon of 26 years of #TheSimpsons episodes, remember to take before & after pics of yourself. You'll start out as Ned Flanders and wind up Homer Simpson
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
My coworker challenged me to this charity thing so I threw a metal ice bucket at her head. The arresting officer tells me I got the concept wrong.
Monday, August 18, 2014
I'm not saying the needles are big on this new #diabetes injection I have to take every week, but when I poked it into my stomach I'm pretty sure it came out my back.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
If the love between Pinkie Tuscadero and Arthur Fonzarelli could survive the dreaded Malachi Crunch but couldn't survive the rest of the season, then what hope is there for the rest of us I ask?
Friday, August 15, 2014
Why is it that the motion activated faucets in public restrooms only give tiny 3 second water bursts when the soap dispensers plop out softball sized portions of foam?
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
As I looked in my side-view mirror I saw my dog sticking her head out into the wind. I wondered if she heard Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" in her head as she looked around or just simply thought, "Humans are such assholes."
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Thursday, August 7, 2014
As I measure the water spot in my ceiling I debate whether to invest in a new roof or to tear out the chimney flume and install a 2 story indoor waterfall.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
my vote
I will vote for whichever candidate promises to do a full time Wolf man Jack impression during every speech while in office. #mypolitics
slip n slide
Is it wrong that I'm planning to set up a slip n slide for the neighborhood kids with the end of it pointing down a sewer drain?
Today I have to call my medical insurance provider and inquire about coverage on several new potential prescriptions. I'm pretty sure that disarming a bomb on a galloping horse in a blinding hailstorm at midnight would be an easier task.
Monday, August 4, 2014
out of office email
New Game: During July & August whoever gets the most automated 'out of office on vacation for the week' email responses wins a free trip to Disneyworld*. (*travel, lodging, food, and park entrance fees not included)
sorry about that
On my way to work this morning I unpeeled my banana too far, hit a bump, and watched 80% of it break off and fall out the window. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to the bicyclist riding behind me.
Friday, August 1, 2014
So we're standing in front of a large display of toilet seats at Lowes last night trying to make a selection, and I'm wondering why there aren't more wild designs (like on phone covers). Where was the Marvel Avenger's seat?the Hello Kitty cover? the Orange is the New Black Prison Pot? or Game of Thrones Throne?
Thursday, July 31, 2014
I took a swig of Diet Coke which went down the wrong way, caused me to cough which led to a carbonated nasal exit. Now I'm sniffling bubbles and feel like my nose has been power washed. #blackcloud
I found a key on my key ring I do not recognize. Either 1) it belongs to something from years ago I do not remember, or 2) my future self travelled back in time to give me a vital clue, or 3) someone has planted false evidence on me to frame me.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
sniff test
Pork fried rice looks/smells kind of funky before it ever goes into the fridge as a leftover, so how will I know when it goes bad?
Last night my nieces pulled out a video interview they did with my Mom & Dad 4 years ago for fun I had never seen before. Dad's been gone now well over a year and it was amazing, touching, and a little sad to see and hear him again. The best part is that I learned a few things about him in his stories I never knew before. Even after death Bud Bornholdt still had a few surprises for me. RIP Pop.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
road dot
They are repaving Sappington Rd and put temporary paint dots on the black top to mark the lanes. These dot lanes get bigger, smaller, intersect, and cross each other. I'm thinking of setting up a lawn chair and a camcorder at the worst spot. Accident videos for sale (background Benny Hill Soundtrack extra.)
I did not sleep well last night. Therefore, the rest of the day will be played out in slow motion. Thank you.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Thanks again everyone for making yesterday such a fantastic B-Day. If I had to pass vital wisdom onto the younger generation, I'd say you should ALWAYS remember to-...ooh look! Leftover cake! Sweeeet.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
When I was a kid, 45 seemed REALLY old, but now that I've reached it, I realize that I was absolutely correct.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
key memory
Got a new keyboard at the office and suddenly my fingers don't go the right keys. My typing skills are back to Helen Keller learning WATER.
I'll have what she's having
Today is the 25th anniversary of the release of When Harry Met Sally. The movie that every guy in America in trouble if they answered incorrectly when their girl asked him if she was high or low maintenance.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
My hands were full so I was carrying a milkbone snack for my dog in my teeth when I stubbed my toe and bit down. Not too bad really. Tastes like the cheap cookies I bought in my college days.
Friday, July 11, 2014
dead broke
I don't mind the idea of dying penniless, (in fact, there's a smug satisfaction to that.) it's the living penniless before the death that would suck.
germ x
The pump on my Germ-X Sanitizer bottle has dried goo in the nozzle so when I push on the stuff squirts everywhere but in my palm. So far my calendar, PC screen, eyeglasses, stapler, and full mug of tea are victims of friendly fire.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
On what shelf in the Disney Vault is the footage of the alternate ending of Cinderella where her first royal order after the wedding is the public beheading of her 3 stepsisters?
black cloud
My car key keeps getting stuck in the ignition, my laptop is still dead in the water, I'm absorbing the workload of a former coworker, I slipped on some water in the garage, bit my tongue, and had a drawer knob come off in my hand. So how goes your day?
Monday, July 7, 2014
Pulling a full trash can to the curb in the heat of a July afternoon I would imagine contains the same amount of smell and insect challenge that a mafia soldier endures when he has to dig up a body and rebury it somewhere else.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
July 4 2004
Exactly 10 years ago today I was in Melbourne, Australia and disappointed there were no fireworks displays to go to. It's like, this country (that is still under the rule of the Queen of England) had no enthusiasm at all to celebrate America's independence from the English or something. How rude.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
To all the backwoods firework enthusiast white trash dudes out there who are going to celebrate the 4rth via blown off fingers and singed eyebrows tomorrow right after the traditional rally cry of, "Hey y'all watch THIS!" ..I salute you. (And remember to bring an IPod to the ER because you can't flip thru a magazine w/ no thumb & index finger)
Some people believe unicorns exist. I believe people who own white horses and have access to glue, tape, and sugar ice cream cones exist.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
When a super villain builds a secret mountain lair/missile silo how much extra does the contractor charge him for the female voiced automated countdown on the self destruct feature?
Monday, June 30, 2014
*You've reached the desk of David Bornholdt. Due to the high humidity & 105 degree heat index forecast, I will be working today from inside the walk in refrigerator at the Quick Trip 2 blocks over. Please leave your message at the tone and I will return your call when the weather no longer resembles the west side of hell. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.*
Sunday, June 29, 2014
wet dream
The cap on my chillow pillow came off during the night and dumped 8 cups of water onto the bed as I slept. That would explain why I kept dreaming I was on a waterslide.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Jokes on the tiger. He may have had a sudden craving for carryout indian food, but later that night he would have traded his stripes for a few bottles of Pepto Bismal.
I think Shia needs to go to his room and think about what he did wrong. And while he's in there he needs to think up a new first name.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Last night I slept on a chillow pillow for the first time. It was like a mini waterbed for my skull.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
It's been 5 years today since the untimely passing of Michael Jackson. The nation paused for a moment of silence to celebrate all the little boys who will never know his touch.
I used to think that people wore dark sunglasses while running, walking, or biking in the park to keep the sun out of their eyes until I realized the main purpose is just to size up total strangers without making eye contact
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Dear Gamer Friends,
When you actually get shot playing Call of Duty or arrested for killing all those hookers on Grand Theft Auto, give me a call. Until then.. pass.
When you actually get shot playing Call of Duty or arrested for killing all those hookers on Grand Theft Auto, give me a call. Until then.. pass.
s*@t happens
I did not write this. I'm not sure who did. It's on a poster I have. But if today is anything like yesterday, I need to remind myself...
TAOISM - "if you understand shit, it isn't shit"
HINDUISM - "this shit happened before"
CONFUCIANISM - "Confucious say 'shit happens'"
BUDDHISM - "shit will happen to you again"
ZEN - "what is the sound of shit happening?"
ISLAM - "if shit happens, it is the will of Allah"
SIKHISM - "leave our shit alone"
JEHOVA'S WITNESS - "knock. knock. shit happens"
ATHEISM - "i don't believe this shit"
AGNOSTICISM - "can you prove that shit happpens?"
CATHOLICISM - "if shit happens, you deserve it"
PROTESTANTISM - "shit happens, amen to that"
JUDAISM - "why does shit always happen to us?"
ORTHODOX JUDAISM - "so shit happens, already"
TELEVANGELISM - "send money or shit will happen to you"
RASTAFARIANISM - "let's smoke this shit"
HARE KRISHNA - "shit happens rama rama"
NATION OF ISLAM - "don't take no shit"
NEW AGE - "visualize shit happening"
SHINTOISM - "you inherit shit of your ancestors"
HEDONISM - "i love it when shit happens"
SATANISM - "sneppah tihs"
CAPITALISM - "this is MY shit"
FEMINISM - "men are shit"
EXISTENTIALISM - "what is shit, anyway?"
SCIENTOLOGY - "if shit happens, see Dianetics p.137"
MORMONISM - "excrement happens" (don't say shit)
BAPTISM - "we'll wash the shit right off you"
MYSTICISM - "this is really weird shit"
VOODOO - "shit doesn't just happen - we made it happen"
DISNEYISM - "bad shit doesn't happen here"
COMMUNISM - "let's share the shit"
MARXISM - "you have nothing to lose but your shit"
PSYCHO-ANALYSIS - "tell me about your shit"
DARWINISM - "survival of the shittiest"
AMISH - "modern shit is useless"
SUICIDAL - "i've had enough of this shit"
OPTIMISM - "shit won't happen to me"
TREKISM - "to boldly shit where no-one has shat before"
SHAKESPEAREAN - "to shit or not to shit, that is the question"
DESCARTES - "i shit, therefore i am"
FREUD - "shit is a phallic symbol"
LAWYERS - "for enough money, I can get you out of shit"
ACUPUNCTURIST - "hold still or this shit's gonna hurt"
DOG - "i just shit in your shoe"
CAT - "dogs are shit"
MOUSE - "oh shit! a cat!"
POLITICALLY CORRECT - "internally processed,
nutritionally drained, biological output happens"
EINSTEIN - "shit is relative"
FAMILY GATHERING - "relatives are shit"
MATERIALISM - "whoever dies with the most shit, wins"
VEGETARIANISM - "if it shits, don't eat it"
FATALISM - "oh shit, it's going to happen"
ENVIRONMENTALISM - "shit is biodegradable"
AMERICANISM - "who gives a shit?"
STATISTICIAN - "shit is 84.7% likely to happen"
HIP-HOP - "motherfuck this shiznit, beeatch!"
TANTRISM - "fuck this shit"
CYNICISM - "we are all full of shit"
SURREALISM - "fish happens"
WICCA - "you can make shit happen but shit will happen to you three times"
TAOISM - "if you understand shit, it isn't shit"
HINDUISM - "this shit happened before"
CONFUCIANISM - "Confucious say 'shit happens'"
BUDDHISM - "shit will happen to you again"
ZEN - "what is the sound of shit happening?"
ISLAM - "if shit happens, it is the will of Allah"
SIKHISM - "leave our shit alone"
JEHOVA'S WITNESS - "knock. knock. shit happens"
ATHEISM - "i don't believe this shit"
AGNOSTICISM - "can you prove that shit happpens?"
CATHOLICISM - "if shit happens, you deserve it"
PROTESTANTISM - "shit happens, amen to that"
JUDAISM - "why does shit always happen to us?"
ORTHODOX JUDAISM - "so shit happens, already"
TELEVANGELISM - "send money or shit will happen to you"
RASTAFARIANISM - "let's smoke this shit"
HARE KRISHNA - "shit happens rama rama"
NATION OF ISLAM - "don't take no shit"
NEW AGE - "visualize shit happening"
SHINTOISM - "you inherit shit of your ancestors"
HEDONISM - "i love it when shit happens"
SATANISM - "sneppah tihs"
CAPITALISM - "this is MY shit"
FEMINISM - "men are shit"
EXISTENTIALISM - "what is shit, anyway?"
SCIENTOLOGY - "if shit happens, see Dianetics p.137"
MORMONISM - "excrement happens" (don't say shit)
BAPTISM - "we'll wash the shit right off you"
MYSTICISM - "this is really weird shit"
VOODOO - "shit doesn't just happen - we made it happen"
DISNEYISM - "bad shit doesn't happen here"
COMMUNISM - "let's share the shit"
MARXISM - "you have nothing to lose but your shit"
PSYCHO-ANALYSIS - "tell me about your shit"
DARWINISM - "survival of the shittiest"
AMISH - "modern shit is useless"
SUICIDAL - "i've had enough of this shit"
OPTIMISM - "shit won't happen to me"
TREKISM - "to boldly shit where no-one has shat before"
SHAKESPEAREAN - "to shit or not to shit, that is the question"
DESCARTES - "i shit, therefore i am"
FREUD - "shit is a phallic symbol"
LAWYERS - "for enough money, I can get you out of shit"
ACUPUNCTURIST - "hold still or this shit's gonna hurt"
DOG - "i just shit in your shoe"
CAT - "dogs are shit"
MOUSE - "oh shit! a cat!"
POLITICALLY CORRECT - "internally processed,
nutritionally drained, biological output happens"
EINSTEIN - "shit is relative"
FAMILY GATHERING - "relatives are shit"
MATERIALISM - "whoever dies with the most shit, wins"
VEGETARIANISM - "if it shits, don't eat it"
FATALISM - "oh shit, it's going to happen"
ENVIRONMENTALISM - "shit is biodegradable"
AMERICANISM - "who gives a shit?"
STATISTICIAN - "shit is 84.7% likely to happen"
HIP-HOP - "motherfuck this shiznit, beeatch!"
TANTRISM - "fuck this shit"
CYNICISM - "we are all full of shit"
SURREALISM - "fish happens"
WICCA - "you can make shit happen but shit will happen to you three times"
Monday, June 23, 2014
hulk smash
I'm treading dangerous waters today. No matter what I say seems to get me in deeper trouble to whoever I'm speaking to. I'm attempting to hide as a result but people keep finding me. Now I know how Dr. David Banner felt.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Ok my bills are all paid and as long as I don't drive a car eat any food or do any extra curricular activities for the next two weeks I'll be just fine
In years past mowing the lawn on a hot summer afternoon was just another chore to check off the list. now its like the last leg of a marathon that I have to continually talk myself through to finish
Friday, June 20, 2014
free lunch
Shapeshifters never pay for lunch. They just continually change bodies until they fill up on free samples in the food court.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
So I'm at the DMV getting my tags and I ask the teller how much to make out the check for. "A million dollars." she replied. "Fine," I said, "as long as I can make it out for 2 million and get the change back."
I prepare for a trip to the DMV with the same level of dread as a suicide mission assignment in wartime.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
I hate onions but enjoy french onion dip. (head in hands) What in the hell is WRONG with me?!?!?!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Sometimes I think it would have been better to have been born in the 1940s, but then I step outside of the air conditioning and all that noise stops real quick.
I'm to the point where my body now tells me it's time to go to bed around 11pm but my brain negotiates the proposal for another hour or so.
Monday, June 16, 2014
hampster dave
New idea : An AIR CONDITIONED human sized hamster ball and habitrail to keep me from dealing with any version or summer heat and humidity. #daveintheplasticbubble
if things got desperate..
I would never make it as a cat burglar. I'd be more of a drunken rhinoceros burglar.
Saturday night I purchased 90 White Castles which my brother & I served butler style on silver platters as a late snack at my niece's wedding. This morning my car trunk still smells like road kill & grilled onions.
Friday, June 13, 2014
Catchers Mask, goggles, elbow & knee pads, flak vest, riding boots, gloves, fire extinguisher, bubble wrap, & pollen mask. All set for Friday the 13. Now I have to pee.. DAMMIT!
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
12 years a bumble
And so, the once proud & fierce Bumble Snow Monster, was captured, enslaved, and exploited by "the man" (Yukon 'the marauder' Cornelius) and forced into a sad life of Christmas star topping and applesauce gumming for the rest of his miserable days.
My roof leak at Camp David is getting worse and can no longer be patched, my AC unit is on it's last legs, something from the master bath is leaking into the garage, and my screen porch floor continues to warp as it slowly sinks into the mud. At this point I'm hoping for a combo tornado/lightening strike because it would be easier to just start again from scratch.
Monday, June 9, 2014
Sunday, June 8, 2014
My cable went out Saturday and Charter can't send anyone to fix it until Tuesday afternoon. I now know how Tom Hanks felt in the movie Castaway.
Friday, June 6, 2014
tuff stuff
In the event of a nuclear holocaust, the only things tough enough to survive will be roaches and mini tootsie rolls.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
black cloud
Last night I accidentally sat in dog urine for 40 minutes, this morning I spilled a full travel mug of hot water all over the counter and under the microwave, and this afternoon I choked on my gum while coughing & in the process shot it onto my PC screen. bravo #blackcloud
I still remember my first fight. I lost. But in fairness I was pushed into it and my opponent was bigger & meaner than me. Her name was Sandy.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
My coworker got up this morning and did 40 jumping jacks, 20 sit ups, 10 push ups, 25 squats, & 20 lunges. While I managed to pull myself out of bed AND pat the dog twice on the head on my way to the kitchen. We both struggled but achieved our goals.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Yet another in a chain of days in the upper 80s w/ occasional showers and high humidity. Wonderful weather... if you're a mold spore.
Friday, May 30, 2014
blood test
Don't you hate it when you get a voicemail at night saying you need to call your doctor to discuss blood test results the next day? They might as well just say "I'm just calling to ruin your night and make you worry every minute until our next regular business hours begin. Have Fun!"
Thursday, May 29, 2014
cube toy
Dear Mattel,
Please invent a working Hot Wheels Racetrack that can be installed on the walls of an office cubicle. I promise you will tap a whole new age bracket of buyers and double your profits. Thanks. - Dave B
Please invent a working Hot Wheels Racetrack that can be installed on the walls of an office cubicle. I promise you will tap a whole new age bracket of buyers and double your profits. Thanks. - Dave B
Had dinner last night in a restaurant with an uncomfortably high ratio of sweaty, unwashed senior citizens. God Bless these nice old folks but the place smelled like a nursing home's dirty laundry hamper. Bon appétit.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Cleaned, dusted, vacuumed, and mopped Camp David yesterday for the first time in waaay too many months. It now smells like a hotel room when I walk in. I have a strong urge to steal my own towels and shampoo bottles.
My Squirrel has launched his latest offensive in our war. The telephone line going into my house has chew marks. I think he's trying to cut off my communication so when he attacks I can't call for help. But I'm ready for him. When he gets in here, I'm going to blow up the house. THAT'll teach him!!
Twas the night before Christmas,
and I was pondering the miracle this holiday is about.
Perhaps I don't really have a black cloud..
Just at that moment, the Cable & Internet went out.
and I was pondering the miracle this holiday is about.
Perhaps I don't really have a black cloud..
Just at that moment, the Cable & Internet went out.
While backing out of the garage this morning I paused to hit the CLOSE button and looked to my left and there he was.. staring me down like a gunfighter. I winced and stared back. A show down. Then I hit the horn and he went up like a rocket. 2011 Score: Dave: 1 / Squirrel: zero
Had to use the men's room at Walgreens tonight. After completion of my task the stall door was jammed shut. I had to violently shake it open. Then I cursed as the tap water came out boiling hot onto my hand. When I reached for the door to leave someone coming in crashed it into my open fingers. As I rubbed my damaged fist on the way out the girl stocking the shelf outside asked me if I won the fight in there.
Tonight I was washing my hands in the bathroom at Domino's when I spotted one of those Glade Scent & Spray things. Curious, I bent in to take a closer look just as the thing shot off an automatic spray right into my face. "Hawaiian Breeze" does NOT taste as good as it smells. Even with friggin' air freshener.. this is how it works for me.
monkey poop
Did you ever have one of those moods when you just know that if you were a monkey in the zoo, you'd just spend the whole day throwing your poop at people? No? Maybe it's me then.
I remember driving home from the Muny with my Mom one night when I was in highschool. As we rolled down the busy highway I'll never forget what she told me... "The doctor told me I'm legally blind in the dark and shouldn't drive at night."
This morning I noticed that my tea bag contains 175mg of protective antioxidants. I'd like to thank the good people at Lipton for this reassurance. But while I'll sleep better with this knowledge I honestly can't recall ever being attacked by "oxidents" or even being able to identify one if it came at me. Are they similar to the old Crest Cavity Creeps?
Have some major VIPs visiting the office so the dress code is professional. After being spoiled by 5yrs of business casual the shirt/tie makes me look like a cross between Dilbert & a Blues Brother. Feel like I'm in 4rth grade & it's "picture day" which means you can't be comfortable or screw up your "good clothes" during recess. So much for that dodgeball game in the parking lot at lunch.
Normally when I see a jogger it makes me lament my younger, healthier days but when I'm driving at 1pm in the heat of the day w/ 115degree heat index and I see a jogger it just makes me wonder what it's like to be a brain damaged idiot.
ice ice baby
Today at lunch I had the sunroof open & windows down & was rockin' along w/ Vanilla Ice's Ice Ice Baby (yes.. I know.. I'm cool) when a well groomed black guy in his early 20s pulled up next to me at a stop light, looked over at me, half smiled, slowly shook his head and said, "There goes the neighborhood."
This morning I fed my dog a caramel rice-cake and took a dog biscuit to eat on my way to work. Bad news is that I clearly need stronger caffeine in the AM but the good news is my teeth are cleaner, my breath is pleasing, and my tail is wagging from the great taste of liver & chicken.
2:30AM: Just got home from work. This weekend St. Louis is hosting some kind of statewide jr. varsity wrestling tournament and all the area hotels are stuffed with the young grapplers and their coaches. For some reason, the majority of the ...coaches who answered the door all looked like George "the animal" Steele from the 80's WWF. Extended steroid use over the years may have enhanced their athletic prowess but it certainly didn't increase their tipping ability. One kid was so pumped up he actually took a bite out of the pizza box itself when I handed it over. (This kid has a definite future in politics.. mark my words) See More
2:33AM. Just got home. Tonight some teens at a party were just drunk enough to think it was funny to change their order 15 times & kept me on the phone over 15 minutes. So when I, as instructed, followed the noise & delivered to their basement door in the backyard, instead of gently knocking.. I pounded on the door and hollered,"POLICE DEPARTMENT! OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" the inside immediately went silent. When the kid, white as ghost, opened the door I said,"Kidding.. just Domino's Pizza." (maniacal laugh)
2:34AM. Just got home. Tonight an old lady tried to pay for pizza with Monopoly money and then became enraged when I couldn't accept it. She was obviously in an advanced state of senility. Her daughter rushed in, apologized, and gave me real currency. In retrospect, I should have kept the Monopoly money.. there was a much higher tip there.
This week at work I got a brand new executive chair. I love it because not only does it smell like a new car but it also has a high enough back that I can spin around like Dr. Evil to reveal myself and explain my diabolical plan for world domination. (insert maniacal laugh)
I lost a man in the heat of battle today. In over 28 years of BBQ sessions I've never lost a burger thru the grate into the fire but today one all beef soldier slipped off my spatchula mid flip and down he went. I tried my best to rescue him but it was too late. However, after dinner when things cooled down I went back to the grill with a long fork for a search party and eventially recovered what was left of him, said a few words in tribute, and then fed him to the neighbor's dog. Why? Because the grill code says that no man, be he beef, chicken, braut, or pork, is left behind.
Just got home. Driving down Chariot Ave and stopped at a stop sign some kids were kicking a soccer ball around the yard. As I was lifting my travel mug to take a sip the ball came flying through my open drivers window, startling the hell out of me and knocking my mug across the car. The kids stood frozen in fear in the yard and mumbled "I'm really sorry" but I sat quietly for a few seconds, picked my response, and then suddenly yelled "GOOOAALLLL!!!" at the top of my lungs as I threw the ball back. This startled and scared them before they smiled and realized the joke. We were even and life went on.
1:05AM. Just got home. St. Louis County Police set up a sobriety check point on Hawkins Rd (trying to catch drunk drivers after the Cards win) that I got stopped at on my way home. The officer asked me if I'd been drinking tonight. I told him (truthfully) I'm coming off of a 16 hr work day, the last 7.5 of which was spent delivering Domino's. He leaned his head in my window a bit and sniffed. Then told me to move along. This may be the only time I'll ever be grateful for a car that wreaks of grease, cheese, and sausage.
I voted this morning. Not so much because I care about my constitutional right. I just like the free sticker.
11:41PM. Just got home. Tonight a customer played Deal or No Deal with me. He offerred me a $5 bill for a tip or a good cigar he was just given by a friend. (He doesn't smoke) Tonight as I sit on my screen porch with a hot mug of tea puffing on what I'm pretty sure is a $25 hand rolled cuban, all I can say is.. good deal.
You know how alcoholics are known to hide liquor bottles all over the house to hide their addiction? I can see myself doing that with cake.
11:01pm. Just got home. Tonight a lady upped my tip from $3 to $5 after watching me slip, slide, and spin across a patch of ice on her sidewalk like a clumsy, drunk, polar bear trying to cross a frozen lake. If only I would have landed that triple axel flip at the end I might have got $10. Dammit.
A few minutes ago a bird landed on the ledge outside my window. I put my chin on the inside ledge and we sat and stared at one another. A creature with a tiny brain living mostly on auto instinct.. looking at a bird.
1:17AM. Just got home. Must be something in the air tonight. From an angry, laptop toting beggar/mad prophet slapping at my car each time I passed, to a lunatic ranting and raving for 2 hours on the phone from one hotel, to a guy at another hotel who gave me a $20 tip.. after answering the door in fishnet stockings, a leather teddy, black lipstick and heels. The loonies were out in force tonight. I felt like Sgt Shultz from Hogan's Heroes after most of my deliveries, closing my eyes and saying,"Nuthing! I see nuthing!!!"
10:49PM. Just got home. While waiting in line at Walmart during an errand for the store (and wearing my Domino's uniform) the stoned guy in front of me eyed the 6 XL bottles of hydrogen peroxide, Clorox Bleach, 4 boxes of Mr Clean sponges, trash bags, and rubber gloves. Then he asked me what kind of mess am I cleaning up(?). I looked him dead in the eye and whispered,"Lets just say there is Pizza Hut driver/competitor of mine who won't be delivering anymore. By the way, do you know a good place in the woods to bury a 20 gallon drum?"
12:22 AM. Just got home. The Holiday Inn Express in Fenton has an ornate curved staircase from the center lobby to the 2nd floor. After my delivery to 206, no one was around, so I slid down the banister into the lobby. Now I don't know the physics of mass x velocity but I do know I flew down that slick railing like Fred Flintsone off his dinosaur/crane when the whistle blew. I was going so fast I pretty much slammed into the front desk. Seems a hotel guest was walking in from the parking lot and witnessed my landing. To respond to his odd stare as I walked by him I said,"Hell of a lot faster than the elevator buddy."
Sitting in traffic on hwy 44 this morning, half awake, I was next to a livestock truck. I looked to my left and was 2 feet away from a sheep staring right at me. We both slightly nodded at each other. It was clear neither of us were looking forward to the day ahead.
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West named their baby North. His name is North West. I only hope he grows up to record a solo album called "NORTH" by North West.
There should be a rule that on your birthday you have to buy your mother a card and a gift. Lets face it, on the day you are celebrating you took the ride but she did all the heavy lifting.
school dream
Last night I dreamed somehow I skipped a math credit so I had to go all the way back to highschool. I got so freaked out I woke up and went back to sleep and dreamed I was wrongfully convicted of murder and facing death. But atleast I wasn't back in school so it felt better.
road block
On my way home friday night I was pulled into a sobriety check point road block near Page and I-70. After I gave the officer my license and insurance I waived my hand and said,"These are not the droids you're looking for." Seems the force was with me because his response was "Move along."
This weekend my brother & I went on our first White House Retreat since Dad died. (It was an annual event with the 3 of us for decades) I thought it would be strange without him but as I was walking down a hall I heard someone humming/whistling behind me that sounded JUST like my father.(Its a silent retreat but Dad was never one for rules) I turned to see who it was but the hallway was empty. Glad you could join us Pop
Please God, let me live long enough to watch the Entertainment Tonight story on former teen star turned forgotten loser Justin Bieber that details his bankruptcy, jail time, & multiple rehab attempts, conducted in his shitty one bedroom north hollywood apartment that sits over a dry cleaner, and listen to him babble about the "good ol days" and how miserable he is now. After I see that, I'll die happy.
Last night I somehow managed to light my oven mitt on fire while trying to check on some muffins in the convection oven. It was kind of a Pillsbury Doughboy/Blackhawk Down scenario.
When I was in my 20s and wouldn't shave for a few days the look (atleast in my head anyway) was rugged and handsome. But when I do the same thing in my mid 40s the stubble is heavily peppered with silver & gray which makes me look like an insane old scary drunk guy. I think I like it.
I'm going to start a pop-band made up of out of shape, balding, middle aged men and call ourselves Wrong Direction.
For the last 3 years the ringer on my phone is the theme to JAWS. Last night while watching JAWS 2 on TV I grabbed my phone thinking I was getting a call EVERY time that damn fish showed up on screen.
If I don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day I'm a "grouch", but when I dress like a tree on Arbor Day, I'm a "freak". Such hypocrisy.
Had a dream I spoke to my late father on the phone. Just like when he was alive, he told me all about his day and what he ate. What did I take away from this? Apparently Heaven serves a REALLY good roast beef sandwich
Sometimes while trying a new hobby we find a talent for something else. For example: When I tried transcendental meditation I discovered I was REALLY good at napping.
dress up
I wear suit pants w/ black suspenders, tie, and dark blue dress shirt and I'm business appropriate. I remove the tie and suddenly I'm Amish appropriate.
day off
Took the day off today. Much to do around the house. I planned on doing A,B,C,D, & E but decided on "F"-it and relaxed. #couldntbehappier
I just found out #YOLO means You Only Live Once. I always thought it was either a website or a frozen yogurt place. #themoreyouknow
garage sale
I'm going to write a screenplay about a pair of old women who go on spree of garage sale hold ups and call it "Bargain Hunters".
Toxic Park
Went on a bike ride yesterday through Route 66 State Park. Hard to believe it used to be the toxic, dioxin covered ghost town of Times Beach. Except for that deer with 2 heads and the neon-glowing black snake, you'd never guess the place used to be a wasteland.
I know I'm a dork. I've embraced it at this point. Accordingly, fashion is not a concern. However, the zipper on these cargo shorts keeps wanting to slide down on its own. Not cool. To sum up.. Dork: OK / Potential Sex Offender Watch List: N-O-T OK.
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